Region/Guild Newspaper--Aliance/Enemy Forums--Inactivity--War Declaration

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Region/Guild Newspaper--Aliance/Enemy Forums--Inactivity--War Declaration

Postby Keho » Wed May 09, 2012 11:42 am

Region/Guild News- Under Guild Tab called NEWSPAPER. Lists recent captures in Region/Guild.
Example. City A of Guild A has been captured by Guild B. Also if a guild member leaves guild, Example Player A has defected. Or if Guild member goes barbarian, Example Alas Player A has been overrun by barbarians.

Alliance/Enemy Forums- Under guild tabs a separate Alliance forums to be accessed by crowns/generals only of guilds in alliances or sworn enemies.

Inactivity Check- Under Guild Member list, put an Asterik or color code the name of members that have been inactive/not logged into game for (insert time frame here)


ALLOW 2 GUILDS/ALLIANCE to Mutually Declare War with each other.
*War lasts minimum of 7 days maximum of 31 days?
*While in war, NO Attacks to or from players not within the war. So GUILD/ALLIANCE A at war with B, A can only attack B, vice versa. No attacks on barb cities either/no outside interference.
ALso, while in war, there can be no new additions/drops to your guild or alliance.
(I think this will take out that whole chaos exploit out of war)
*Implement War METER based on netloss of CITIES or POINTS by each party. Either warring party can admit defeat and withdraw from war anytime after minimum war period of 7 days, or at end of maximum war period the party that has higher netloss of either CITIES or POINTS(to be determined) must Admit Defeat and withdraw.
*Spoils of WAR- Every Player in Winning Party gets a prize. Examples, free GOLD!, maxed out warehouse capacity in every city!, free building vouchers, free scholar in every city with Academy.
Every Player in Losing Party, sustain -20% resource production(amount to be determined)in every city for 3 days(amount to be determined) and loss of 20% of troops in every city(amount to be determined) due to desertion because of lowered morale from loss of war.

Flame Away.

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Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2012 11:23 pm

Postby Tooltip » Wed May 09, 2012 5:20 pm

There are some exploit problems with your war game.

Two relatively neutral guilds can declare a war game to prevent attacks from other guilds.

Also, one guild can throw the game, to buff the other guild with prizes.

Posts: 6
Joined: Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:51 am

Postby Keho » Wed May 09, 2012 5:48 pm

Throwing the war would cause loss of troops and resource production, which numbers could be increased to further set the loser back. I c your point about abuse with 2 neutral guilds, maybe need an escalation of hostilities between 2 guilds before given the option of war.

Posts: 38
Joined: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:26 pm

Postby ChichWarrior14 » Wed May 09, 2012 9:34 pm

Then someone could EASILY spy during war

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