Fix chaos exploit

Post here any ideas or suggestions you have for improving Valor.
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Postby warrhead » Tue May 15, 2012 2:40 am

A simple solution to discourage Chaos abuse.....

1. Make a minimum limit for the number of troops that can attack a PLAYER city.

So if the limit is 200 troops then to make 25 attacks you need to send a minimum of 5000 troops.

People are not then going to be asking for people to drop from their guild and attack them with 5,000 troops.

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Postby Tooltip » Tue May 15, 2012 4:19 am

How do you farm when starting out then?

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Postby Rats » Tue May 15, 2012 5:15 am

How bout we keep chaos but make it so u can attack and defend anybody so it puts more emphasis on troops. U could also penalize someone who sends more 20 attacks from one city to another city

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Postby Rats » Tue May 15, 2012 5:16 am

Make that 10-15

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Postby Rats » Tue May 15, 2012 5:19 am

Let's identify the problem here

We want to keep it so that u can't send a large number of attacks on one city but make it so u cant clog up a city by sending so many waves

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Postby dr.atomz » Sun May 20, 2012 8:33 pm

what i hate is when someone gets a friend to put them in chaos then sends attacks out attacking people or guild mates it keeps you from attacking them back.This needs to be fixed its simply unfair these people sometimes spend days in chaos so that nothing happens to them they keep attacking and building and attacking and building and attacking and you cant hit back its not right.

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Postby Oncecrazy » Tue May 22, 2012 4:24 pm

Easy fix take it away. They did in w2. Once you get to a certain point it's a useless feature when you have hundreds of cities you can't keep it up.

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Postby Sickpuppy » Wed May 23, 2012 10:32 am

I think eliminating it is impossible. I still think making a troop minimum per wave of 25/50 or 100, would make it more costly because it would cost 1000/2000 or 4000 troops to chaos, and it would eliminate rams/ballista chaos reducing the time you are in chaos. You can put a 14 day timer on it like the market so there is no minimum troop level for your first two weeks. You could still get chaos, but it would put the sender at some risk as well. Then chaos would be strategic and not rampant

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Postby IdesOfMach » Tue May 29, 2012 12:54 am

In my opinion, worlds can be classified as early-game, mid-game, and end-game.

During early-game, chaos is not an issue. Early-game lasts until the average active player has 2, maybe 3 cities.

In mid-game, dropping the total number of troop commanders would, more or less, solve the problem. The key here is being able to allow for active farming, and yet not allow chaos easily. Dropping the number of commanders to 15 or 20 during this stage, as well as raising the number of incoming to 45 or 50, would require 3 full cities for chaos. I don't know if this would create problems server-side, but it's a suggestion. This way, it will mean players with diplomatic pull in their alliances will still be able to achieve chaos, but it won't be as easy as it is now. Mid-game lasts until roughly 8 cities per average player.

During end-game, most of the inactive players have been seeded out, and their cities have been taken by actives. Now guild wars truly begin, and eliminating chaos will require raising the minimum number of troops per attack. I think the above proposal of a minimum of 100 troops/wave is reasonable. An average scholar support is 100 Zerks, and by this point, 44-knight farming has come to an end. Smaller cities are most likely owned by players with bigger cities, and they will have to rely on resources from them via merchant transfer. Also, if 50 incoming per city is too high server-side, it can be dropped back down to 40, or even 35. Even a fully maxed city doesn't take 35 or 40 simultaneous attacks to conquer; if it does, with support and whatnot, consider it successfully defended for the time being.

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Stop belly-aching

Postby LadyDelicious » Wed May 30, 2012 3:43 pm

Chaos helps those that don't have stacks of gold ! Already there are too many features that give the affluent an advantage over players that don't have the cash but work hard.
Why punish active alliances and players ?

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