Players go barb

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Players go barb

Postby Deano87 » Wed May 30, 2012 9:07 pm

A big thing I've Hated about this game is when a player quits and goes barb there are a ton of 40k barbarian cities up for grabs. This really sucks when it happens right near your safe zone and you need to spend days or even weeks capping them
Before the enemy does. Why not have those cities reset and go back to a 10k barb? Otherwise it becomes very boring mopping up. I see too many players just sit and wait for this to happen and not get involved in wars. Fix this boring aspect of the game please.

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Postby Tooltip » Wed May 30, 2012 9:13 pm

Those players are not likely to join a war anyways.

The cities up for grabs also allow for footholds by enemy players. Which is not a boring aspect.

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Postby Deano87 » Wed May 30, 2012 9:20 pm

They can get there foothold threw war not by scavenging an abandoned city. It is a boring aspect when 10 million point players go barb and you need to cap them before others do. Now to me that is boring and for the enemy to get some easy foothold in your area is not a strategic war game.

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Postby Tooltip » Wed May 30, 2012 9:30 pm

That's life and luck. Opportunity knocks at inopportune times. Even during war. A abdicated land, is still a land.

You also don't want to send troops to conquer a city only for it to change to a 10k.

It also doesn't make sense for cities to instantly warp back in time.

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Postby Deano87 » Wed May 30, 2012 9:42 pm

I would rather cap a 10k city than have 200 40k barb cities all over the shop at any given time. And 100's of cities don't meraculusly get abandonded instantly either but that still happens. Has much as they want to make this game realistic is is still a game, and it's about war not scavenging so I'm sure cities warping back in time would be a more realistic war game than abandoned cities everywhere.

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Postby IdesOfMach » Wed May 30, 2012 9:47 pm

Consider it the plague. Wiped 'em clean. Except, well, the soldiers.

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Postby Rats » Thu May 31, 2012 9:29 am

That's why u Let people know ur quiting I think this should not be implemented cause it adds a something new to the game

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