Scholar Stacking

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Scholar Stacking

Postby Goatmaster » Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:30 pm

Have you guys considered letting scholars stack so that you dont have to send 4-5 consecutive waves to conquer a city? Then if you sent 5 scholars your scholars would do between 100-150 loyalty and 4 scholars would be 80-120 ect... My suggestion is that if u send 5 scholars that 70% of your troops have to survive for them all to live the next to scholars would be at the 60% mark and the last two scholars would be at the 50% mark like the first scholar is now. This would make it so that its harder to send multiple scholars but you could if u wanted. I think this would make people more inclined to fight the real army instead of trying to pick out one weak scholar wave and destroy it because if you have to send multiple scholar waves from the same city the gap can be up to 2 mins if you are laggy making it much easier to pick off one wave rather than fight the army like the game is intended from my understanding.

Example (Based on a 5 scholar send):
If 70-100% troops survived then all 5 scholars would remain.
If 69-60% of your troops survived then you would have 4 scholars remaining.
If 59-50% of your troops survived you would have 2 scholars remaining.
If 49-0% survive then you would have no scholars.

This could also be put on a scale where each scholar was 5% higher than the next so:

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Postby Tooltip » Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:46 pm

Hmm, no one could ever afford to doge. So you'd inevitablely lose troops. In which case you'd always be low on troops.

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Postby Goatmaster » Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:09 pm

Dosent dodging seem unrealistic though because in a real battle a king wouldnt send his army away so that his city could be attacked... And you wouldnt send 5 different waves of attack so its easier to defend, you would send one large wave at them.

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Postby Fire820 » Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:16 pm

If rather annihilate the city first. So I know for sure my scholars don't die

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Postby Vasasalo » Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:31 pm

Doesnt have to be realistic it's a game ^^

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Postby Tooltip » Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:06 am

Saving lives is more important than losing some resources.

Aren't waves realistic? I keep remembering movies (sorry, I got no RL references) where waves are used.

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Agree, waves are ok

Postby GeneralZaphod » Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:23 am

Waves take out some of the overwhelming surprise to the game. Helps give the defender a bit of a heads up that something nasty is about to happen. Should stay.

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