New army/soldier ideas

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New army/soldier ideas

Postby Tomoaki98 » Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:27 pm

Maybe we could add wizard who is high in health but low in def unless they are defending the city their def are good or maybe add dragons that havr diffret ability swift dragons are good for speed medium hp and def. and battle dragon slow but high attack and def just my suggetion XD

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Postby awsomator » Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:12 am

They didn't have wizards and dragons back then.

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Postby awsomator » Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:13 am

In fact they never have.

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Postby Sparda007 » Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:09 am

Dragons existed.....
Check it up, the fossils were found....
Wizards, quetionable, there are things we dont know in this world,
Things we dont yet believe....

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Postby Joshuamr » Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:54 am

Dude ur an idiot there has never been dragons or wizards it's not questionable you're wrong no wizards or dragons. Ever.

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Postby Karean » Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:06 am

Archers would be nice, but i see no use for them, all units have their role fit and its quite balanced as is.

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Postby Fire820 » Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:35 am

Agreed Karean. Archers would be nice, but everything is already balanced. Adding a new unit would mean fixing the stats so a different unit doesn't become obsolete. Then you need a place to build it. And a unit to defend against it. And still find a specific use for it. As far as wizards and dragons, WHAT????? No matter what people may say, I believe neither really ever existed. It would be too much work for things that didn't exist. Plus I don't think that this idea fits with the theme of hand-to-hand combat that Valor has already become.

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** sigh **

Postby Sparda007 » Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:23 pm

Believe it or not, we never met prophets but we know they exist,
So in that sense, they're millions of things we as humans dont know yet!
We barely even know how the human bodies work, we dont even know the mental reaches of our brain......
About archers, it would be cool,
He could be a ballanced infantry unit!

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Postby Fire820 » Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:56 am

Prophets? If you are a member of any religion, you would believe in prophets or you would have to deny the religion on the basis of it being false. And archers. Making them an all-around unit would make it barely used. I'd use it in the beginning since it would have decent stats but not past the first month. It must be unique. Maybe have it attack before the rest of the troops and countered by sentries

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Postby Sparda007 » Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:24 pm

A balanced infantry unit is what i just need! The sentries, lancers and zerks have to be mixed to create a balanced troop, i'd rather like a single balanced unit, i dont if it is an archer or the knights templar! :D

And and about prophets, if ou dont believe in religion then explain the theory of exustence! Dont you dare say big bang theory, because even scientists are starting to believe in godly existence, the theory of the bang doesnt make sense.....

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