Merging cities

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Postby Deano87 » Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:40 am

Won't this make players cluster up even more than try already do?

How about when you reach an x number of cities you can nominate a city to become the super city and an x number of others that will be downgraded to like 20k or 30k and can't grow any higher? If someone caps your super city than your other cities can grow normally an they will have to nominate x number of their cities to be downgraded.

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Postby Deano87 » Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:42 am

I think there are other ways to save time with the number of cities problem.

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Postby Batelllion » Thu Jun 28, 2012 6:45 am

It looks like a good idea of merging cities but i have certain points to consider about what should be done,they are as follows many cities are being merged,10 or less than 10(i prefer less than 10 because otherwise it will make problems for smaller guys to play),may be 5 or 6 can work.
2.warehouse and farm capacity should be number of cities merged x warehouse/farm capacity of one city(for this you may choose a limit of l30 for both)
3.resource production will be number of cities merged x aggregate of each city production of resources(aggregate is important here because some guys like me keep iron mine at lvl29)
4.The cities being merged should be present in a radius of 1 or 2 hours.
5.Location should be valor's own choice(it can be random too)means valor can choose any of the city original position as supercity position)
6.Attack-I think the guy attacking with supercity should not be allowed to attack normal city but it can go other way round(or it will give big advantage to money spenders)
7.For cities to be merged there can be a unit compulsory to made in every city(it may be costly)
8.I think the wall lvl should remain as 25 because it will be very difficult to pull down wall with so many troops there in the city.
9.The loyality should go down on a faster rate(my opinion otherwise it will be very difficult)
All the opinions and suggestions are welcomed.

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Postby Slashu » Thu Jun 28, 2012 11:35 pm

You bring up some good points and ideas. I guess merging 5 into 1 isn't so bad either 100 cities potentially down to 20. And ya you would have to take the weeker players side on this to give them a bit of a chance. Which I would be more than fine with to drop the amount of cities.

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Postby MechaStorm » Sun Jul 01, 2012 11:01 pm

i like your idea batelllion. sounds good to me. espescially the part about not being able to attack normal cities. it would be way too unfair for the little guys

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Postby Nikhil21 » Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:12 am

There would b no way to compare a normal city and a super city then. Farm size will be 10x, so I would have 100000 lancers and sentries in one damn city, with a wall 250? It will never work out like this.. Of course something should be done about making it easier to cope with a lot of cities, but I don't think this is it.

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Postby MechaStorm » Mon Jul 02, 2012 4:07 pm

i agree with the other guys who say that the wall level should stay at a maximum of 25. its already doubling the ammount of troops you need to clear if its at 25. it would be impossible to clear then.

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Postby Shepherd1371 » Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:30 am

Isn't that a by product of giving up 10 cities? There definately has to be real tangible benefits for takingbthevtime to conquer 10 cities and then give those cities up for one. There has to be a real and obvious reason(s) as to the advantage of doing this (in addition to time). Why would anyone do it otherwise? Another words, it can't be a toss up of 50/50 as to the pros and cons. It needs to be very clear as to WHY.

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Postby Slashu » Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:35 pm

You could also keep the ability to merge cities locked untill you reach a certain level of points. Essentially about 25 to 30 cities worth. So the game stratagy is not changed to much and you can only attack from that city on a region where there is players over the required point total.

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Postby Brad87 » Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:34 am

As far as keeping it fair for the smaller guys this game is about conquering players. Do u think that any kingdom years ago wouldn't attack a village because it was small? I think not. Besides I haven't heard anyone say smaller players can't attack the super city is that in your minds as well?

I personally don't think there should be any outrageous perks maybe a little more farm space. There are already lots of advantages to te merging:
1: u can send your attacks from one spot instead of 5 different ones and sending at different times because of their location.
2: u can send one clearing wave of roughly 20-75k troops
3: I guess this should have been #1 but u can check the building/troops/resource ect faster
4: I'm not a programmer or a computer engineer but I would think its less work on the servers to run one city vs 5-10 which hopefully means less down time for us

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