Vacation Mode

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Vacation Mode

Postby Zarckovich » Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:41 pm

Vacation Mode must allow the player to go on holiday without worrying about his/her valor.
#explain "vacation mode":
When a player opens the menu in valor, the player can press the "vacation mode" button. Right after this the players gets send to the world overview and is not able to enter the world for (i.e.) one week. During this week, the player is on vacation mode. Meaning that no one can attack him, no one can support him, no one can send resources to him. Not only this, but also the player's resources production will freeze. After one week the player is able to enter his world and everything comtinues again.
-Players can go on holiday without worrying about any attacks.
-vacation mode only has the advantage mentioned above.
-you can not use this to get resources without the risk of getting attacked. Your resources production freezes during vacation mode
-vacation mode can only be activated when you have no outgoing troops (attack & support), incoming attacks or support and when you are trading.
#suggestion regarding vacation mode:
-vacation mode could maybe last for a minimum of one week. So during this week you can not deactivate vacation mode. After this week vacation mode is still activated, but when you enter your world, vacation mode gets deactivated.
-vacation mode could maybe be used in all worlds. Separately though, so in one world you can activate vacation mode while in another world you keep playing.
-perhaps there could also be a cooldown time. For intance, you have to wait one week before you can activate it again.

I would be very glad to receive reactions in any form (feedback, suggestion, opinion...)

Sincerely, Zarckovich
An addicted valor player

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Postby Fhorar » Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:27 am

I have seen this in many other games of this genre and think it would be a good addition to this game.

The one aspect I disagree with is making vacation only work for one world - that seems to me an invitation to use it other than for actual vacations/time away from the Internet.

Otherwise +1 :-).

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Postby TheBloodMonger » Tue Jun 26, 2012 12:34 pm

I disagree with the freeze production and no support and all that. It should be longer than that like past the time when your city turns into a barbarian city. The mode should just let Valor know you will not be on longer than a month so your city isnt abandoned.

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Postby awsomator » Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:09 pm

I like thi idea.once I went for a holiday and lost three cities while I was away.

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Postby Hiitsmeeeeeee » Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:49 pm

When you return a week later you would be FAR behind other players around you. In one week players can gain several cities while you are still building an academy. Also when people attack and it says you are in "vacation mode" they will just wait for you to get back to take your city.

People could use this like they used chaos. Once they are under attack they could just destroy thier city and let the enemy take it. Then they could go "on vacation" and let their allies attack the enemy player and they will tell the player to some back through a chat all once the coast is clear.

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Postby larlis » Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:27 pm

You go on vacation? You lose.
You sleep? You lose.
You do anything thats not valor related? You lose.
I like it!

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Postby Fire820 » Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:07 pm

Guild? Diplomatic ties? Not caring about your city?

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Postby Tazi » Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:20 pm

Im HOMM you could appoint another player to manage your cities while you were away. You could pick a different friend for every world and you need to be in the same guild.

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Postby Muzaranha » Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:35 pm

I do not think we should freeze the account. I think I could leave the account with a person, a player who is a friend to take care of it. So, your city is not unprotected, and does not get behind the players around him, for so his friend could evolve cities for you.

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Postby Zarckovich » Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:10 am

Thank you guys for the reactions.
According to you all, vacation mode would not be a big succes. I agree with a lot of points you've made and i came up with the following:
It is different than vacation mode and i hope you guys like this.

The idea is that you can make one of your guild mates watch over your city. The one who ownes the cities can allow a guildmate to:
-demolish buildings
(maybe you have another idea)
These things are optional, so you can for instance allow a guildmate to build, recrute and trade, but not to attack, support, etc. any combination can be made.
In order to let someone watch your city you can open the menu and there should be a button called "sitter". By tapping this button you get a new window. In here you can type the player name of your sitter (must be a guildmate) and press enter. Then you of course get a warning if you really want to.
As next another new window opens. Here you can select what the sitter is allowed to do and what the sitter is not allowed to do.
The last step is typing a security code (picture with letters/numbers, you have to copy) and then you have a sitter.

Summary of menu:
-all options...
-type sitter name
(warning if you want to
-select things that
sitter is allowed to do
-tap proceed
-security code
-tap proceed
-you have a sitter

If you know the online game Travian, then you probably understand what i mean.

The sitter takes care of your cities when you are gone for some days (a week...). When you are back you simply deactivate the sitter.

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