Stationing Troops

Post here any ideas or suggestions you have for improving Valor.
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Postby LordFirefall » Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:39 am

I'm not sure how you think holding strategic ground is going to make up for players that have lots of cities and troops. Those folks will use this aspect of the game, just like they use others. I'm a top player in my world and I use EVERY advantage I can find.

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Postby LazerusLong » Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:23 am

The only thing that will make up for lots of citys and troops is lots of citys and toops. If you were at a disadvantage before you would still be at a disadvantage. What im saying is this change will add no significant disadvantage between two opposing players that was not present before, whether equal players or grossly over matched players, so no counter balance or compensation is neccessary.

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Postby Fire820 » Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:59 pm

Money and time does not directly influence ranking. Many number one players don't spend any money and don't live on their phone. And if no counterweight is offered, valor would become an attack-fest making over half the units and buildings useless also making the game go nowhere. But we will have to agree to disagree. It seems that people seem to have tunnel-vision. Y'all want this so you will go after it no matter what. And on that note, I've made my point and counter-points and now, unless I am called back, I will no longer comment here.

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Possible solution

Postby Silvestro673 » Mon Jul 23, 2012 8:10 pm

This thread discussing troop station caught my eye.

I agree that stationing mass troops at a guild mates city would cause extremely off balanced gameplay.

However in an attempt for valor days or medieval battle experience, stationing troops is a must.

Perhaps staging only at cities you own ( not your guild ) with a Max cap based on food. In basic concept it would simply change the origin tag of a troop to a different city you own. As for troops in transit that arrive to a max capacity city, a "choose the troops you want to keep or send" window pops up. This would allow to send back to origin city the excess troops that you no longer want at destination city.

As for the pop up window; if you are viewing your city, you get the pop-up. If you are afk, then the origin troops (if in excess of food supply) wait in limbo until you return.

Mind you, I havent finished reading all the replies yet

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Postby Fire820 » Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:14 pm

Again though, your idea would throw off the support system

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