Merging cities

Post here any ideas or suggestions you have for improving Valor.
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Postby Deano87 » Tue Jul 10, 2012 5:27 pm

I like your idea fhorar. Especialy using scholar type units to merge cities. And I think cities should be maxed out fully to merge together. lvl 2 acedemy sounds good too.

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Postby Fhorar » Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:29 am

@Mechastorm - 24h really isn't that long - even in a quick world (WS 2 US 2) 24h is only a region or two away so only closer players would be able to conquer a city during a merge - the idea behind locking a city comes from having to be vulnerable while you're moving an entire city - you'll still have troops in your city to defend. Also, maybe the merge time could be based on the distance the two cities are from each other.

@Deano - thank you :-) - I feel like it'd be a realistic way to do something like this from the programmers' standpoint as well as fun for us and a great feature to keep us playing when we get big.

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Postby MechaStorm » Wed Jul 11, 2012 10:40 am

Fhorar- you still haven't answered my other question. Would other people not in the same guild be able to see that you are merging? Or would they be just be lucky while attacking you and cap a city that is merging?

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Postby Slashu » Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:44 pm

Nice to see all the ideas! and when merging I think there should be like an icon on the map like the true icon to make it a bit of a risk for the merger.

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Postby Fhorar » Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:43 am

@Mecha - no, the world map is leggy enough without putting extra graphics in there for merges - I would a lvl 3 scout should be able to tell whether a city is merging or not.

Also, instead of a flat 24h period in which the city merges, maybe it could be the same time as it takes a scholar (or architect) to march from the merging city to the mergee city. That way it's quicker to merge from close by and harder to merge cities that are far from each other.

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