City hall level 25+ suggestion

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City hall level 25+ suggestion

Postby Pauld2468 » Sun Aug 05, 2012 11:40 pm

So i conquered a city that had a level 29 city hall. Then thought whats the point in keeping it at that level. Its only costing me farm space and since all my other buildings are at the highest level i am now demolishing it back to level 25.

Then i had a thought

How about between a level 26-30 city hall every resourse building produces slightly more and troops are recruited a little faster in all buildings like maybe a 5-15% increase or something with each level after 25

At least give us a reason playmesh to upgrade the city hall past level 25 to unlock somthing truly awesome and powerfull.

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Postby Mosser » Tue Aug 07, 2012 12:54 am

Yes, the developers really need to think of ways to incentivise the production of maxed out cities. In the current stages of the game, maxing out your city is pointless, it's purely comestic. Sure you may get some more points by doing so, but it's not worth the number of troops you forfiet.

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Postby Kindlarry » Wed Aug 08, 2012 12:09 am

Only point under is if your concerned with rankings. I used to demolish it down to 20 after I built everything and completely demolish rams building but it takes away at least 8000 points. Incentives would be nice.

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Postby Connguy » Wed Aug 08, 2012 12:20 am

Love this idea!

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Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2011 10:16 pm

Postby Brendone » Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:46 am

I find that maxing out cities is beneficial in several ways if you are active in a warring game.

Max City Hall
- makes your city hall more resistant to ballista damage (higher level takes more ballistas to reduce it by even 1 level)
- if you are attacked and take ballista damage or rams damage your wall, you can rebuild more quickly

Max Barracks/Stables/Workshops
- Rebuild your armies faster, if you max all 3 and split your training to say, beserkers, knights, rams, you optimize your resource usage and are able to attack again quickly

Max Market
- Quickly transport 50k of each resource to a frontline city from each of your read guard cities to start training scholars and armies.
- Quickly trade excess of one resource (if you are using a city just for scholarships you might end up with a lot of extra iron that a friend needs to train their cavalry)

Only building I don't necessarily max out are warehouse (I usually use resources long before it fills up) and hiding place (if I'm getting attacked and losing that much, I deserve to lose my res, I'd rather not leave any resources behind in my city if it gets conquered). Sometimes I don't max out the city hall off the bat, I wait until my armies are full up.

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