Scholorship buying!!!!!

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Scholorship buying!!!!!

Postby Hawk45 » Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:34 pm

Please everyone, post here if you have problems with the current method valor uses to buy scholarships!
We need everyone we can get to add their voice to this problem! It should not take hours and hours to buy all of the scholarships in your cities!!!
Help me change this color gods!

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Postby Hawk45 » Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:42 pm

Orlor wrote:I would check out for the best answer to what we are doing regarding city management.

If you are looking for exact details or an exact eta on that feature though, unfortunately that is not currently available.

Just wanted to add it for ya Orlor :)

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Postby Hawk45 » Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:53 pm

LordFirefall wrote:PwnLaw, we really need something that speeds up play for folks with 50+ cities. There's no fun to be had scrolling through cities for 2 hours and purchasing scholarships. A mass scholarship purchase option, for all cities at once, would be greatly appreciated. It would free up 2-3 hours a day for me so I could devote more time to killing ;)

Something else that is desperately needed is a fix that actually caches data. Everytime I click on a city nowadays, it spends 20-30 seconds loading data. Multiply that by the 150+ cities and it is a huge time waster.

Another good idea!!!

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Postby Hawk45 » Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:56 pm

PwnLaw wrote:I think we're all pretty unsatisfied with how multi-city management is being "handled" right now. We're considering a few options (making the worlds smaller, adding in more tools for multi-city management, etc.), and I expect we'll see some movement on this in the future. A lot will depend on how it is prioritized versus the major features we're currently working on.

Bringing all of the thoughts to one place :)

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Postby Hawk45 » Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:00 pm

Browniees421 wrote:I think that the management strategy for many cities should be a top priority. Currently auroras blessing has many errors, and many players do not want to purchase it regardless.

A new format, such as maybe being able to checkbox each city then mass recruit/scholarship using this feature would be a better format to consider

Another good idea!!!

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Postby Hawk45 » Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:05 pm

BigStuM wrote:I could count on one hand the number of times I have posted any negative remarks on this forum. I have played the game regularly for a while now and I enjoy playing or indeed I used to enjoy playing. The game is becoming a bind and needs to be evolved and streamlined. Simply put it is high maintenance and turning into a full time occupation.

Your current game set-up is killing big players with lots of cities. I play in w43, ranked #2, with 8m+ points, circa 200+ cities. I simply don't have the time to scroll through one city after another, clocking up scholarships to earn that elusive scholar and at the time of writing, this is generally 2 per day. That unless of course, I spend my entire day farming like an idiot and ending up with repetitive strain injury.

And here's the thing, is this an active discouragement for successful players to eventually bin this world and start again as you have rendered it virtually unplayable, am I being penalised for being successful to allow others to catch up? Well first off, I have unfinished business in this world, nor do I have the intention of starting again. I have nothing to prove to myself or indeed opposing players. The likelihood is that the app is deleted because I no longer feel the game designers are able to keep pace with the pace-setters.

The game needs streamlined. It needs made more user friendly. This is a game requiring urgent evolution. Summary page for scholarships detailing the total achieved, outstanding required and number of scholars available. ONE CLICK FIX

On a similar theme, scrolling through countless cities looking for current or historic attacks on me is painfully dull. Again, one click action required. And before you say it yes, I've refreshed the portal on more occasions than I care to remember.

Anticipating a little more than, yes we know about it, yes we are fixing it, will be online within a month or so. Presently I do not see me tolerating this tedious level of attention required in the medium term let alone long term.

Still yet another thought on this subject!

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Postby Hawk45 » Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:10 pm

PwnLaw wrote:If you're looking for a disagreement, you won't find it here. There are a number of reasons why we haven't progressed on this issue, but I don't consider them particularly good reasons. We've got the first step down this path under development now. It'll be less than you hope for, but it's a helluva lot better than where we're at now. My plan is to significantly streamline the process of managing multiple cities, and it's something that's getting priority internally. I expect this will take multiple phases of development and iteration.

In short, I feel your pain, and it's posts like these that make a material impact to how we decide things internally. Not kidding.

Twice you have commented on this topic in two different threads. This is why I have posted everything here, so we can all see this problem.

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Postby Hawk45 » Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:11 pm

BigStuM wrote:After the initial stages of acquiring your first, second or third academy, the location of the academy becomes irrelevant. Lets be clear, everyone grows in clusters. As a consequence control of the scholarships through the academy in each particular city becomes pointless.

Sure make your players endure the process of building to the point of an academy but once achieved the control or accummulation of scholarships is relative to the player not individual cities. For example, you have 5 schols available to train, enter the portal and highlight five cities within same, then click educate schols. Some time later, hey presto, five schols, one click fix.

On similar portal, or aurora blessing type summary running total of resources kept which equates to 'x' available scholars or 'y' required for 1 schol, 2 schols, etc

A large proportion of your customers play cigarette breaks, toilet breaks, before bed, eating breakfast. They play in short bursts. You are choking the life out of this market. I'm encouraged that you acknowledge this requires the attention it merits

Another good thought.

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Postby Hawk45 » Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:15 pm

Chemjes wrote:World 54 and approaching 200 cities. Its already a ridiculous pain to buy scholarships. Cant imagine 1400 cities. Until there is something better, couldnt there just be a mass scholarship buy button where every city with resources will buy a scholarship? Its not perfect but its better than now.

And I also agree with the battle report delay issue. Basically you have to search to find a city that attacked a target to push the report out.

One more to add to the list....

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Postby Hawk45 » Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:16 pm

Chemjes wrote:Even better, how about if all 3 resources max to 500K then it auto buys 1 scholarship.

Another good idea.

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