Valor needs to change

Post here any ideas or suggestions you have for improving Valor.
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Valor needs to change

Postby Oneharleyrocker » Thu Oct 04, 2012 3:55 pm

Been playing Valor for a while and I have to say that as good as it is of a game as much as it sucks. Here are the pros and cons.

Don't get me wrong, I love this game but I find the following is a bunch of sh...

1- It is tooooooooo slow building and developing cities, recruiting troops, attacking an capping cities

2- Maps are just too large

3- The game seems to be endless and too much time consuming. Not recommended for students not for adults who have real life priorities rather than spending hours each day for months and still not see an end for the game

4- The game lacks notification when under attack to accordingly react in time

What to do then?

1- Create a smaller and faster version of the game with smaller maps and much faster interaction so that a world can be capped and won by a guild within a week, 2 or even 3 weeks max.

I really do like this game and that is the reason I took the time to write this now. In case you guys haven't noticed but you should check how many players drop out and barb after a couple of months playing.

I hope you guys improve these issues if you really want to stay in business.



Postby bananabandana » Thu Oct 04, 2012 4:19 pm

Hey Oneharleyrocker,

Thanks for posting, and glad you take so much interest in the direction of Valor!

Buildings times are chosen to force strategic direction. If there was no cost in terms of time to any decision, we think the game would lose a lot of its depth (is it better to rush a forge or focus on resources?).

Map sizing we're looking at carefully. VERY CAREFULLY.

I feel like the 3rd issue is up for debate. While many players do find that Valor takes up too much time for any person with a "normal" schedule to accomodate, others would argue that it is one of the few games that has very succinct actions that one can perform in-between daily activities and find it to be the perfect supplement to a five-minute coffee break or recess.

This fourth issue is more of a technical issue than a design issue. We did have push notifications for these instances and are in the process of fixing them.

That said, we have a pretty big vision in store for Valor, and I can say that it definitely touches upon each of these points you have raised. I am personally very happy to hear from the Valor community about the ideas and concerns they have for the state of the game, especially when those things are well-informed and carefully written out like this. :)

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Postby lordrickard7 » Thu Oct 04, 2012 4:46 pm

I think the 30k pop limit is a very interesting dynamic. One I have yet to experience but feel it will definitely make the game more strategic and last longer.

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Postby Oneharleyrocker » Thu Oct 04, 2012 6:47 pm

Thanks for your prompt reply.
I have a time issue 5 min during a coffee break is certainly not the case and definitely not adequate for this game.
Let me not start about the necessary guild members communication coordinating attacks/supports/capture etc.. Kakao is also considered to play a large part of time in this game.
Well, I believe that you should improve the time issue. Maybe try to create worlds with smaller maps, faster movements/recruitment/building etc... I haven't seen an end of a single world so far as it turns boring and players lose interest in the game.
You can give it a try:
- Instant building once the resources are available
- Faster movements/attacks/support
- increase cities population limit

Conclusion; I want to play a world which takes 3 to 4 weeks then a guild can conquer the map, something like the classic Risk game.

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Postby Kevlali » Thu Oct 04, 2012 7:41 pm

Well said harley, i want this too, oh and hey

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Postby Thedudeabidezzz » Fri Oct 05, 2012 8:21 am

I agree. That would be a fun, almost mini game, part to valor where something like that would come out every 5 or 10 worlds. I mean there really aren't any worlds that have too extreme variances from one world to the next. It be nice to switch it up every once in a while.

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Postby Oneharleyrocker » Fri Oct 05, 2012 5:39 pm

Hey Kevlali! Thanks for the support as usual bro.
I just need to add that gaming should be fun and not stressy.
Currently, between technical issues, long boring parts of the game, endless walks/recruits/maps/kakao/ building all lead to large time consumption which is not suitable for either students nor adults with real life obligations.
Game turns boring and demotivating after a while and if you guys have a way of finding out, I would really be interested in a statistic of the numbers of players who barb out at an advance stage of the game.
By the way, does a world ever end? lol

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Postby Oneharleyrocker » Fri Oct 05, 2012 5:41 pm

U know guys, life is all about time and wasting a lump of it on a game is just regrettable and not recommended.

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Postby MechaStorm » Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:14 pm

that is why you dont need to be super active.
yes you may be capped or wiped but if you want to you can just form a guild that plays for fun, not competitviely and just have a blast. no need to be so focused on the game

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Postby Oneharleyrocker » Mon Oct 08, 2012 6:58 am

Thanks for your feedback Mecha. But it isn't really irrelevant.
You are basically telling me, "I can play to lose if I want to play for fun"
No, I play a strategy competitive game and I play to win or I do not play at all, there is only black and white no grey there. I suggest FarmVille for those playing with such a strategy.
My idea is to create something for all types of players. It wouldn't hurt you guys doing so, if you give it a try creating such a high speed world with less population and smaller map and the feedback is negative that would be something else.

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