The New Troop Building Menu (Problems/Suggestions)

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The New Troop Building Menu (Problems/Suggestions)

Postby tskk » Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:10 pm

[color="#00FFFF"]Too long? didn't read?
- new troop recruitment screen slows us down.
- give us an option to revert back to the old troop screen[/color]

Hi, i just wanted to quickly pop in and give my input on the new, graphical troop recruit screens.
Although i really like the added graphics for each type of unit, it has rather slowed down the process of recruiting troops.

Before, we would be able to queue up different types of units in one go, provided that we had enough resources and food, but the new system seems to slow troop recruiting process in three dramatic ways:
[color="#FF0000"]1. We are only able to recruit one type of troops and must scroll to different troops if we want to recruit more than one type at that time

2. It automatically puts the maximum number of troops you can train, given your current resource and food availability. This means, if you wish to train a specific number of troops, you have to erase the number first and then input the number you want.

3. Recruiting screen doesnt correctly show the number of troops you currently have. So you always have to hop out to your rally point to get the tally.[/color]

The above will add tens of seconds into the troop building, but given the amount of time it takes to cycle through hundreds of cities, it really takes the fun out of the game. I mean, it already takes enough time to cycle through to purchase scholarships or build buildings...

However, the new system of recruiting troops is beneficial if you are massing only one type of unit. But i like to mix up different types of units to take out infantry, mounted troops, walls and buildings depending on various situations(not all players attack/defend the same way). And yes, i can definitely see how the game may be more attractable to potential new players to valor but perhaps a balance of aesthetics and emphasis on pure strategy (as pointed out repeatedly by playmesh employees, eg. removing of chaos) is needed to be achieved.

Please strongly consider giving an option to the player to choose from the old way or the new graphical way.
For now i will revert back to the older version of valor i have saved on my itunes and wait for your resolution.

Thanks, Tskk w100.

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Postby Defy » Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:38 pm

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Postby tskk » Wed Oct 24, 2012 8:14 pm

Yup, noticed it right after i posted and already commented on it.
It seems general forum is used for everything

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Postby Moidart » Fri Oct 26, 2012 1:10 am

I also really dont like the new troop recruiting. The cute art is nice once. After that it dominates the screen without any use. You guys have a great game. Leave it alone. Please make a reversion to the previous nterface available. I spend an obscene amount of money playing this game. These updates are chasing me away. It just gets slower and slower.


Postby PwnLaw » Fri Oct 26, 2012 1:54 am

Moidart wrote:I also really dont like the new troop recruiting. The cute art is nice once. After that it dominates the screen without any use. You guys have a great game. Leave it alone. Please make a reversion to the previous nterface available. I spend an obscene amount of money playing this game. These updates are chasing me away. It just gets slower and slower.

Hey Moidart --

I appreciate your view here -- what you're looking for is multi-city management (an easy way to aggregate those micro tasks into a macro task for multiple cities). That's the top feature on the list after the revamp. It's already specced and it should solve the pain points you're currently frustrated by.

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Postby Moidart » Fri Oct 26, 2012 3:15 am

Im not that bright. I have no idea what you said. Just roll it back to the one that so many of us know and enjoy. I have read hundreds of complaints about the update on kakao. The game is like choclate. It doesnt need an upgrade. Ever have choclate creme brulee. After two bites it is too much. Thats what you are doing here

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Postby Michael2 » Fri Oct 26, 2012 6:25 am

Playmesh, I appreciate your effort to keep the game fresh and exciting. I like the new art work you've put for the recruitment but it just makes the mundane task of rebuilding troops (when you have 100's of cities) even slower.
like before you could see all troop types for that building at once and it only takes one press to change between the recruitment buildings. also before you could enter in a amount of troops, then switch to another recruitment building enter in an amount of troops and only have to press recruit once, now you have to press recruit for each number you enter in.

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Postby Karl302 » Fri Oct 26, 2012 6:38 am

I like to see how many troops of each I have that way I know what I need now I have to scroll and find the type oof troop I'm looking for make a mental note and look again for others

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Postby Michael2 » Sat Oct 27, 2012 9:18 pm

is it possible to have all of the units graphics from each recruitment building shown side by side at once. and have the little 'recruited:' bit underneath them, keep the stats shown at the side but have the actual recruitment bit work the same way as it did before.

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Postby Dexter34 » Tue Oct 30, 2012 1:52 am

I agree with tskk 100%.
Valor is a great game, but PlayMesh seems to care more about appearance then actual game play. Every player I know would prefer a game that works without glitches and was set up in a way that allowed for us to spend as little time moving thru screens in each city. Please release a second version of valor, one without the bells and whistles of graphical characters and pretty maps.

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