'Gifting' a city

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'Gifting' a city

Postby yllom001 » Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:03 am

As to speed expansion a guildmate could give cities to a player...

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Postby Dlor » Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:49 pm

It could be abused badly. Many people have different accounts on different devices, allowing players to multiply their power unfairly. Limits must be made for this to work fairly, but it's not worth the trouble in my opinion. What good would this be if you can only be given 1 city? And even that could be unfair to many.

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Postby KMT » Fri Nov 30, 2012 4:08 am

you can give a city to a guild mate whenever you want: you just need to move your troops and you or him leave the guild while he sends his scholars. you have a scholar back and he has a new city.

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Postby Br0wncoat » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:39 pm

I can see perhaps some abuse but there isn't much difference already. Anyone can "gift" a city with some work. I think it would be a good idea for those looking to quit. By gifting those cities you wouldn't slow down the pace of the game. Perhaps if it was a requirement to abandon the world after gifting cities. You could choose which or all, gift then you'd have to quit the world.

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Postby Dlor » Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:08 pm

Yeah, anyone can gift a city, but it will take a scholar and the time it takes to lower loyalty. I was looking at this suggestion as giving a city without scholar requirement. You are looking at it as if it would take scholars, which is legit and possible anytime. I don't know which point the suggester focused on, but I assumed it to be that way since the other can be done (though it takes time and scholars). There is much difference on this one, especially on a new world when everybody has 1 city and 1,000 points. No one has a scholar and won't have one for a long, long time in that case. If gifting without the scholar was allowed, people with multiple accounts on different devices could gift at this time, gaining a huge boost and advantage over other players.

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Postby Br0wncoat » Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:52 am

That's a simple solution. Allow gifting so much time into the game. Perhaps once Barbs become 10k

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Postby LordFirefall » Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:50 pm

Why? Easy enough to gift it by sending troops out and having the giftee cap it.

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Postby Br0wncoat » Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:29 pm

Gifting would be faster and wouldn't cost resources, troops, or a scholar.

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Postby LordFirefall » Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:42 pm

I definitely wouldn't agree to that. What's to stop multiple players, or even whole guilds from giving cities to a few people?


Postby bananabandana » Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:00 pm

On top of that, part of the reason the only way to conquer a city is to, in fact, conquer it with scholar and sword (even with the current "gifting" process), is to give other players the chance to take it as well. Noticing a player has emptied their city of troops is a huge opportunity for an opposing player to snipe it; but, if it is gifted to a friend, troops and all, then there really is no opportunity for further strategy in that regard.

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