Valor needs to change

Post here any ideas or suggestions you have for improving Valor.
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Postby Strahd11 » Mon Oct 08, 2012 3:06 pm

Harley, while I agree with your point that the worlds need an end, also with your playing to win, I actually enjoy the length of the worlds. It's game about building an empire. "One ring to rule them all" so to speak. If the game had maps that could be conquered in a week, or 2 or 3 , as you suggested, the playing on those worlds would, in my opinion, be even more tense. Faster pace, means faster play agreed. And some may like that. I prefer the strategy aspect to what is already a great game. But over all I like your points. Thanks for sharing.

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Postby Oneharleyrocker » Mon Oct 08, 2012 4:31 pm

Thank you Strahd.
I am not saying that all valor world should have smaller maps or be super speed worlds, but having such worlds from time to time same as Valor does with the 1:1, 1:1.5, 2:2 etc wouldn't harm valor and will simply create something to everyone.
I played various worlds already and in each of them members either get bored or real life requires them to barb out.
I am currently in a guild with over 25mill in W79 and we had already 4 top members quit, same happens in each world I play.
The fact is that you need to be constantly active in this game and communicate often on daily basis with your guild members. Slow or fast world makes no big difference if you want to compete. In a slow world you might as well wake up next day and find your cities gone.
Maybe I am too demanding but I certainly see it has potential.

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Postby TheGhost » Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:08 pm

I have started many just for fun guilds, myself and a group of like minded forum lurkers used to join every world because that was the only way you could access that worlds forums.

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Postby Oneharleyrocker » Sat Oct 13, 2012 3:51 pm

Ghost! Where is the relevance to what I said? Sorry but don't get it.
Yeah there are player who are not active and these players are who we call snacks. Such as the one you described.

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Postby Bailey98 » Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:48 pm

I was kind of hoping the world would have the end like 1 or 2 guilds left battling for victory and ruling the world. But of course the guild will split up and go all ape on each other which would kind of be cool to see the end of it.

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Postby Medigrunt » Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:08 pm

I am forced to agree with oneharleyrocker on most of his points. I have a list of issues I see myself.
1. Attacks not seen on individual city list. Very, very frustrating. Destroys players love for the game when the lag is the issue and not the player. I wonder how many players left the game because they couldn't provide decent defense due to game issues.
2. Lag, as always. Perhaps a counter to this is to allow a player to "schedule" a movement within 10 seconds of desired action. When you are conducting tactics within seconds, I cannot tell you how much it irritates player to dodge correctly just for the lag to destroy it.
3. Why is the travel time different for support and attack? And why does it change during the attack? Rules must be a constant. Surprises like this make the game based more and more off luck. The more "luck", lag, or inconsistencies that are in the game, the more your competitors shine. Fix this.
3. Map as usual. I actually enjoy a large map, but the real issue is maneuvering around it. Perhaps a fast regional map with fewer details would give valor strategists the visual they need.
4. Change the command screen to vertical instead of horizontal. Why do I see text where I should see numbers to recruit?
5. BB Codes. I love them. Include the icons for each item in the game. Soldiers, buildings, etc.
Example: [icon]lancer[/icon]
6. Your help screen hasn't been corrected since I have played the game. (Knights in unit overview?) your points overview doesn't work either. Preferably, you should have them be the link in the BB codes?
7. Your fan base is well aware of your advertisements for gold. Please get them out of my way when I play. If you want to make more money, fix the issues fast and more people will play, hence more money. Perhaps a real solution for both the lag and data would be to combine details to one screen. The less I have to fight the game to deliver pain, the happier I am as a player. The only reason why I have my city to graphic view is to that I receive more information at once. I don't care how pretty it is. I don't want to waste time changing between screens and lagging to look at "dandy" graphics. Perhaps you could make a advanced "master" setup as an option.

As a whole, your concept of the game is beautiful, but your implementation is horrible. I play now because I love leading and I enjoy the players. Fix this, or the game will not be enjoyable enough to keep your players here.

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Postby Medigrunt » Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:51 pm

This is my forth post. I love your initial concepts for the game, but you are heading in the wrong direction. You are not appeasing teenagers. Put the fast graphics where I need them.
•Like a world map. Have the regions setup with a click to the individual ones. Have them color coded to the politics of the map. (One pixel per city or coordinate would be an outstanding visual and provide pertinent information at once.) •How about timely updating the current map so that I can tell who's cities have been captured in the current one.
•offer more options using the icon idea I mentioned earlier. Instead of just "send troops" or "go to my city", have icons determining resources, troops, and "go to my city".
•Make font size smaller, I want to see everything at once. It may reduce lag and the time it takes me to provide orders.
•You have more landscape on the phone than you are using. Have a master menu through the portal for quests, guild, and the store. The map should be your primary screen starting out. (Big picture first) Make gold a little more subtle, not everywhere and in my way. I like the top bar and the new side portal concept. I know that you are working on tweaking out the attack issues. In the meantime, I currently have over 100 attacks and I don't know what to defend. This world is done. I am now trying to determine if I want to start over.
•I agree with your position concerning the strategy in leveling up your cities, but I would say that to solve many different positions at once, you should increase the que as a whole.
•Have a filter for current attacks on the side city menu. That may solve many issues at once.
•What is the travel time for the merchants? Do I really have to do the math on that one?
•Why haven't you updated your help menu, the most important reference for your new players? Your unit overview is still incorrect as far as the knights, the points overview is still blank, and it does little for providing important information.

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Postby Medigrunt » Mon Dec 10, 2012 5:04 pm

Ah yes, in game forums:
I love the concept, but it needs to be touched up.
Since most of your hardcore players tend to use Kakao, have the forums designed for battle strategies instead. Have different levels of secrecy for each rank. Since it has an advantage over Kakao in that the information isn't repeated and isn't as static, use this to your advantage by increasing the lines per post and granting more control over it. The icon idea is great for outlining troops as to what works best for offense.

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Postby EmperorTrajan » Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:30 am

I'm a teenager too and I'm a busy one. With a girlfriend, being on the football team, playing in the band and being in all AP classes…I'm at school from 7am-8pm. Add on 2hrs worth of homework and I have no time to play valor.

I managed fine in the older worlds however. And your point of "making the game more teen friendly" by adding pretty pictures and color?

That may be appealing to teens with ADHD but everyone else could careless. As for smaller maps, I'm beginning to think you have ADHD because you clearly have no attention spam whatsoever.

To be honest. This game was fun because it took time. So people who were willing to take the time and perfect their strategy stayed. You forged friendships that lasted for years, and alliances other guilds would talk about for years to come. There were people you'd never forget. Yah, people. With this new update all you see are gamer tags just like all the other strategy games. What made Valor different, was that there were real people behind those BB Codes. People you got to know and befriended. Now that all that's been taken away with this latest update Valor is just like every other 4 star game out on the market place…boring.

PwnLaw if you even still read this forum I apologize if you remember me. You were right, and we were wrong. These new worlds are way more competitive. So competitive you can't take the time to get to know people. Even if you do the world ends in a month or so. We all left, but we left for the wrong reasons.

I take back what I said all those months ago because I was being ignorant and didn't care to research before I spoke.

However I stand by one fact. Something you can't deny. Valor has lost the only aspect that made it different from all the other Valor rip offs on the market place.

It's player to player trust. Trust has been eliminated. And even if its your own guild mate, why get to know someone you'll never speak to again in a few weeks.

Oh well. Just thought I should apologize and put out my latest thoughts on the game…I doubt Valor is even monitored anymore considering you guys have that new game coming out soon.

Also I see where PlayMesh/Quark or whatever got its ideas for trial by sword by. The low attention span, 87 iQ, 12yr old, above me.

Anyway, just thought it'd be interesting for you all to read my new opinion if any if you are still out there monitoring the game.

Complaining as usual…

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Postby Lionphil » Sun Aug 04, 2013 2:04 pm

emperortrajan i dont see your point. if you managed fine in the old worlds they are back and good job on that quark. but i kinda like tbs more than legacy. also great that the titan worlds are coming. i would say that instead of keeping on creating new things quark needs to finish the old things. like already fix the android version of valor. its ridicoulus how far behind it is. u promised lots of updates but the last one was almost two weeks ago. instead of giving ios mcm and making the gap between ios and android bigger you guys should work on making android better and closing the gap.

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