Multi-City Management

Post here any ideas or suggestions you have for improving Valor.
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Postby awsomator » Mon Dec 24, 2012 4:02 pm

What about favourite city's? hit a button and it puts you to a set favourite city

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Postby Bolba » Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:33 am

Something that I personally think would be nice is the ability to set a city up so that I can tell it to have a minimum number of X troops and if it ever goes below that it automatically recruits those troops. It'd be alot easier than having to scroll through all my cities and remember which cities I have set up for attack defense etc. I do like alot of the other ideas. Hopefully it's been drilled into your heads by now but building and buying in mass is a must. At 70 cities I'm finding it impossible to find the time to go through and buy all my scholarships or anything really. I don't think people should have to pay for it though. That's not going to fix the biggest problem you have with this awesome game.

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Postby aaronnorth » Thu Dec 27, 2012 12:51 pm

Mass purchasing of scholarships has been desperately needed since the beginning.
It is the most time consuming part of the game and it is the main reason why a lot of people quit.
Maybe have a list of cities and you can tick (or select all) which cities you want to buy scholarships from and how many. Or maybe it can be implemented with the sorting of cities mentioned. E.g. By region or warehouse full etc

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Postby Kingjason666 » Fri Dec 28, 2012 4:46 am

I think this thread is a load of ��

Why ? Cause it's been open for ages as usual Playmesh ask for our advice. The either do nothing or the opposite

Come on get us a mass troop recruit function urgent

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Postby LordFirefall » Fri Dec 28, 2012 5:01 am

Kingjason666 wrote:I think this thread is a load of ��

Why ? Cause it's been open for ages as usual Playmesh ask for our advice. The either do nothing or the opposite

Come on get us a mass troop recruit function urgent

It's been open for six weeks. During that time, they launched a major revision, and went through multiple holidays. This thread was started in order to give them input. They are working the MCM revisions now, based on that input.

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Postby KMT » Fri Dec 28, 2012 5:57 am

They are still sinking in issues caused by earlier releases: for instance troops increasing issue not fixed yet. It may be fun to kill 319 scholars in a 43k city but really... and then: new error messages and "you must summon internet" as soon when you drop the guild (this one lasts 2hrs to 2 days usually),...

We did not write here anything we haven't written in past. Playmesh really did not need an MCM thread, just reading old posts... and possibly not introducing new bugs. Still here waiting to enjoy new MCM soon

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Postby LordFirefall » Fri Dec 28, 2012 6:25 am

PwnLaw asked me to create the thread to consolidate ideas. It was intended to both list them and debate them. As far as reading old posts, it's a lot easier to go to one thread, than wade through a bunch of different threads. In addition, some of the older things have been fixed. Out of the bugs you mentioned, I know the troops increasing one is actively being worked, it just isn't fixed yet. As far as the others, I've yet to experience those.

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Postby Kingjason666 » Mon Dec 31, 2012 4:16 pm

I understand this thread is for ideas. But when will we see action. I have bit the bullet and done the latest updates so I can play speed worlds. And I so wish I didn't

Everytime I log in only the first 25 city's pop up in the scroll list and I have to open 10 at a time the other 1175 city's. Holy s... That takes ages.

Now if under attack this is impossible to find them.

When not under attack I could use the search function. But it does not search by emoji Picts. So for the 150 city's I have that with a pic at the start with a pict like����etc I can't search by. And what's worse they are at the end of the list.

Come on Playmesh. Let's get this right and fast

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Postby LordFirefall » Mon Dec 31, 2012 4:48 pm

I've worked enough with programmers to know that fundamental changes don't happen quickly. PwnLaw had mentioned before that MCM was after TBS. Since TBS has been out for a bit, I expect we will see something soon.

As far as searching on Emoji icons, why would you expect PlayMesh to "fix" the search feature to accommodate an after market utility?

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Postby Fire820 » Mon Dec 31, 2012 6:30 pm

I agree with Jason that it is so annoying to have to load 10 cities at a time. And I only have about 80 cities. I can't imagine what it's like for ones with 500+ cities. I wouldn't mind waiting a few seconds for valor to be able to have all my cities viewable when I use the sidebar

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