Sign up sheet & world created date

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Sign up sheet & world created date

Postby Pauld2468 » Fri Jan 25, 2013 1:04 am

(1) I suggest that all worlds should have a date and time (in VT) the world was created in the details pane. This way we would know how far behind production we are of other players in that world.

(2) perhaps even implement a world start time of 1-3 days to get as many players entered depending on the size of the world and the amount of players. where players can enter the world but not be able to do anything until the official launch

For example

i wouldnt start a game of monopoly holding both boardwalk and park place before my opponent even knew we were about to play would we

If were going to race for world domination how about we all start at the same time

Posts: 8
Joined: Thu Jan 24, 2013 4:34 am

Postby Wolf-Kingdom » Sat Jan 26, 2013 12:43 pm

I like this idea a lot, specially knowing how old my world is and how long ago I started it.
And at the same time I see two problems:
1) if you have the choice of entering a world that has been going on for 3 days or wait 3 days to start with everyone else, most probably you would do like me wait; so how to get a world filled that has been going on for some days? Just getting only beginners to fill them up, since they can't choose which world they join, would be in MHO a poor choice and probably you could get this way many worlds that are only half populated.
2) One solution to 1) would be to start a world 24 hours after the last person signed up. And the problem here is what to do with the fresh starters, you can't put them on hold till the next world starts. On the other side if every new player starts in a training world where he can learn the basics inside a seven day frame and after gaining a quest are promoted to register for a world that is filling up, he wouldn't be on hold and has some time learning the game basics.

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