New win condition 1200> ideas

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New win condition 1200> ideas

Postby Pauld2468 » Fri Mar 01, 2013 5:04 am

Now with the new win conditions on players with less than 1200 points there should maybe be a way to take that city over inexpensivly of a "not so great" potential lord city (9k or less) that you wouldnt want to waste an expensive scollar and scollarship on

but instead use rams and ballists against the wall, farm, city hall etc to get that city below 1200 points.

Then after raising the city perhaps allow a recuitment of a different unit like an engineer to go and sieze that city by way of making it a barb for yourself or your guild to control. Ultimately rendering an active enemy city completely useless to them and thus alowing more control and world domination to the ultimate winner

Also this would get the red enemy cities that are below 1200 points off the map by changing there color from red to blue making map reading toward the end a lot easier to manage.

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Postby LordFirefall » Fri Mar 01, 2013 6:02 am

If the cities are less than 1200, it doesn't matter if they are on the map or not; they won't count against the victory condition.
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Postby Pauld2468 » Fri Mar 01, 2013 7:48 am

Ahh read the first post again lordfirefall.

But incase you missed the pointt

. Im talking about cities that are just above 1200 in points and then raising the city to a points total below 1200.

Now say if an enemy wants to try to rebuild just a few buildings after. Then this is where an inexpensive engineer would come into play. capture that city only after the city is then below 1200 points so your enemy would not be able to build anymore past that point.

Otherwise imo worlds would not end and every city would have to have a scollar sent to it making it even longer for a guild to win.

What happens if you got 10,20 or 30 people that you've knocked down below 1200 and some of them want to fight and rebuild over and over just to stay above the 1200 point mark.

Waste of time resourses and scollarships to keep low point players in the game

Im saying this because as a gulid we have come close to the end of our current world with more than a handfull of 5k or less cities. No use sending in a scollar, when a few hits with a ballista and ram would knock them down below 1200. If in fact they stayed at that point level

it would be fine but some players just dont want to accept defeat no matter how low there cities go. Rebuild a city hall up a few notches and then there over the 1200 point threshhold again

I see this as a continous vigorous cycle that could go on for a very long period of time.

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Postby LordFirefall » Fri Mar 01, 2013 8:28 am

Understand you would like an easy way to make them go away. However, you need to also look at it from their perspective. They may want to fight to the last breath to prevent you from getting that victory condition. Quark has to be fair to those types as well.

In my opinion, the 1200 point threshold is a good one, as it makes those spoiler types actually do something more than just respawn. Rather than come up with a new troop type, that threshold could be raised to 1239. (1238 is the lowest you can ballista a city, if they've maxed out their hiding place.). That way, you'd still have a chance to flatten them and achieve victory conditions and they would still have a chance to be a spoiler.
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Postby Pauld2468 » Mon Mar 04, 2013 2:15 pm

I suppose lordfirefall and all others would agree that its great fun to battle constantly for a month and completely dominating every guild that tried to run us over which is an extremely fun part of this game.

However now we'll spend the next month or so cleaning up the battle field. In a 5k person world i would say half of those player have cities under 5k in points. Some of them are left over from the bottom player positions of guilds we had toppled. There are also a lot of un-guilded players as well. Being that the current win conditions at the present moment. Our only course of action now is to either scollar or ballista these last remaining player who for the most part have gone on to new worlds. which myself and all others in our guild find this part of the game unfun, tedious and very boring. To the point its really not worth the time and effort to contine a game if there is no better praticall way to be declared the winner.

A great game IMO is classified as one that is fun to play right through until the end. With perhaps a climatic ending. We as a guild know we've already won our world. Just now taking out the garbage. Which stinks really bad.

I am happy about new worlds that do eventually come to an end over the last worlds with no end. It is defietely an improvement however in old and new world. The end is too far and tedious for some

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Postby MyName999 » Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:49 am

LordFirefall wrote:Understand you would like an easy way to make them go away. However, you need to also look at it from their perspective. They may want to fight to the last breath to prevent you from getting that victory condition. Quark has to be fair to those types as well.

In my opinion, the 1200 point threshold is a good one, as it makes those spoiler types actually do something more than just respawn. Rather than come up with a new troop type, that threshold could be raised to 1239. (1238 is the lowest you can ballista a city, if they've maxed out their hiding place.). That way, you'd still have a chance to flatten them and achieve victory conditions and they would still have a chance to be a spoiler.

Wow I just learned something...

Anyway, if there's someone with only maxed hiding placed, and so that can't be leveled under 1200xp points, just invade it...

No need to change the rules for such annoying players... But I would just like to know why this 1200 number was choosed, and not 1500 or 2000...

Once a guild clean a world, even 100k players are peanuts, so...

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Postby Rhazen » Thu Apr 04, 2013 6:56 pm

The easiest fix is to allow ballistas to target Hiding Places. We are in the process of cleaning up w197 and it is quite annoying to cap a 1238 city

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Postby LordFirefall » Thu Apr 04, 2013 7:26 pm

That sorta defeats the purpose of a hiding place.
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Postby Pauld2468 » Fri Apr 05, 2013 1:58 am

Well in previous posts about win conditions in other threads Orlor has said that the win conditions are something that quark is still working on polishing.

Orlor and myself are both in agreeance that anyone with a city with a 1200 or slightly above has no chance of coming back even if they created there own guild of 2000 point cities.

Just postpones the enevitable and makes world clean up extremely time consuming and boring. Too the point im pretty much done with this game after the guild world for our eventual win of world 181

Just doesnt impress me at all to have to go through all the garbage cities at the end of a 5k world for 2-3 weeks

This needs to be addresed rather quickly as with an earlier end time it would allow and lead to more guild wars in the future at a more timely matter

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Postby Rhazen » Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:58 pm

I still believe that if its "last guild standing" then unguilded cities shouldnt count, but i know that wont happen, imo the point threshold should be 1250 so thr ever annoying lvl 15 hiding place wont stop u. Also there needs to be a better scan system, we have w197 completely controlled for about a week, no cities over 1200, and after constantly hitting cities that are below to make the players points reflect them we still have not won! It is getting extremely ridiculous to the point of i am doubting another world (i have been playing since w36) because of the weeks of tedious cleanup that even after u have achieved the ridiculous win guidelines it still has not shown us as winners

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