Heroes and building cities, and wheel

Post here any ideas or suggestions you have for improving Valor.
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Heroes and building cities, and wheel

Postby Idioticfuse » Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:22 pm

Ive got quite a few suggesttions:
First, you should add the idea of heroes into the game, people who u can hire and then use to lead troops, maybe the max is five? And have a building called the hall of heroes for the heroes to live in. The heroes should be able to influence your attacks.
Second, you should also build new cities. This implements the idea of simple flatgrounds located everywhere spread across the map, where you can attack, conquer, and then build a city with resources. However, the resources should be higher for every city you BUILD, not conquer.
Also, the wheel should have more slots, such as giving a few gold, better sppedups, and troops. That way, more people will actually buy amulets.
Also, a new variable should be introduced to battle: distance. This will make the battles more strategica, as you can send low-range troops with long, to attack the troops that are kept up with the low-range. This is linked to the other suggestion for archers.mthese suggestions will improve the game immensely imo, and ik it will take a long time to update into the game, but try to consider it, plz.
Thx for reading

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Postby russianIvan » Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:43 am

1)Here's no long-range troops
2) players can build cities =no war=stop of game
3)about wheel..idea is not bad, but admins already "kick" it


Postby Orlor » Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:30 am

I do know a lot of people find the wheel of fortune near useless when they have a maxed out city. Finding some way to want players to use it all the time is something we are talking about internally.

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