Need a way to keep game interesting

Post here any ideas or suggestions you have for improving Valor.
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Postby Tooltip » Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:28 pm

Regarding capital cities, for some added strategy. 1) The tighter the cluster, the better the capital city. 2) Capital cities should auto distribute resouces once the warehouse is full. 3) Capital hall building to manage all other city halls 4) State of emergency button rallies a set percentage of troops to the capital. 5) In a tight cluster, only small squads can attack the capital city, but have a chance of stealing technology if any return alive, or damaging a building if the capital was completely troop less, or boosting the attackers morale. Large armies must clear a path before attacking the capital. 6) Scouts take longer and die easier, but also come back with info such as the richest city, the most guarded, and the least guarded. 7) Merchants automically accept the offers at above a selected ratio. 8) Guild halls can only be built in capital cities. 9) Capital cities have the ability to middle man trades, decreasing the total round trip times beteen allies of A~C~B. 10) Lowering the building levels of the Capital city makes it lose it's status as a capital city. 11) Chaos is per attacking guild, which allows other guilds to sent attacks till they also reach chaos, and so on. 12) A Coalition button allows previously non-allied guilds to recruit other guilds for a massive coalition assault, blitzing a path towards the capital until all coalition forces are defeated.

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Postby Valorgamer » Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:27 am

You what ? Way too complicated

Capital city would be 4 or five cities next to each other in whatever way side by side, diagonal as long as they are touching. Once each of those gets to 40k you have the option to turn into a capital,

Doing so would cost 1mil of each resource (200 - 250 per city) and would remove the 4 or 5 city icons and replace with a much larger would combine all the previous cities resource limits and pop cap, would have a radius of 10x10 within which any owned city traded faster with each other, resources are gathered faster, troops are trained faster, buildings built faster.

Captal cities are almost impenetrable and this would be reflected in the ability to build a lvl 30 wall

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