increase warehouse capacity and farm limit

Post here any ideas or suggestions you have for improving Valor.
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Postby liljames326 » Sat Jan 28, 2012 9:22 am

Well in saying you would have to send the scholarship to city B. Like an unrealistic back is up put in 20k of each resource so to speak in city 275,397 and a city you have in 323,375 way far away can use those resources immediatly. They did not have the internet in medieval times xD

Stark Bledfast
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Postby Stark Bledfast » Sat Jan 28, 2012 10:58 am

But again, the way things work now is that if I buy a scholarship in city 275,397 then I can immediately educate a scholar in city 323,375.

I see no difference in this and setting up a central bank. If they can send the scholarship information that fast, they can send an IOU bank note.

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Postby Vasasalo » Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:24 am

Shhhh before they take the scholarship thing away

Stark Bledfast
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Postby Stark Bledfast » Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:33 am

You're kidding, right? Know how easy it would be to get scholars if scholarships weren't shared?

Conquer a city, send resources, buy scholarship, build scholar.

Rinse and repeat. The exponential system would be destroyed. Why buy 50 scholarships in a city to get to scholar level 50, when you can just send resources to a city with a scholar level of 3 and buy 4 scholarships for the next scholar?

So yeah, they can do away with it! :)

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Postby liljames326 » Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:17 pm

yeah but then you are reduced to waiting time and that was my whole point in this all. Better yet to have to work and earn what you want then just have it all there. saying if i bought gold and speeded up builds and got to 10k with academy befor people got to 6k which happens now. then i would have the advantage of once I take over cities, it is all right there and i can do it all quick instead of realisticly it taking time. I can see you are the lazy sort in protesting it. And if you are not you would agree with me then right? ;)

Stark Bledfast
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Postby Stark Bledfast » Sat Jan 28, 2012 1:51 pm

How many cities do you have, liljames, out of curiosity?

Valor, unfortunately, is currently designed to get more tedious the larger you get. Cycling through 1-5 cities is easy. Managing 6-10 isn't too bad. When you get to the 20+ range it starts getting tedious. When you are managing hundreds of cities it just gets ridiculous. Going to the cities that need buildings is one thing, as that will generally be a fairly small amount of cities. But going to each and every city to purchase a scholarship so that the warehouse capacity is not filled and to keep those cities producing? It is just absolutely ridiculous.

This suggestion has nothing to do with being lazy. Consider that it takes approximately 15 seconds to refresh a city (to get its current statistics), click on the Academy, and click to purchase a scholarship. This is assuming that the servers are responding quickly. If you have 100 cities then this action will take 1500 seconds, or 25 minutes.

I don't know about you, but spending 25 minutes a day doing nothing but clicking "purchase" on scholarships does not seem like a whole lot of fun. Warring, sure. Conquering cities? Absolutely. I'll even spend time rebuilding my armies. But scholarship purchasing is absolutely needlessly tedious.

And if you have more than 100 cities, that number continues to rise.

A centralized bank may seem like a game breaker, but it really isn't. All it needs is a few simple game mechanic limits. For instance:

1. The bank only fills from warehouse capacity runoff. Ie., if you have a warehouse capacity of 500k, once it is reached by a resource then your "waste" will go to the bank. If you make a purchase in that city then your warehouse will be filled before more resources are sent to the bank.

2. The bank can only be used for universal purchases - ie., scholarships. It can not be used to build local things such as buildings and armies.

All this is is a convenience thing.

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Postby liljames326 » Sat Jan 28, 2012 2:00 pm

Ok so In saying that only run off goes to the bank and only used for universal purchases makes it better. But anything so as i got from the original comment to just simply make the game simpler would not be that appealing. And sadly only two right now in saying i only play 43 and 44. been busy up till now with college crap but now i am on 20/7 lol

Stark Bledfast
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Postby Stark Bledfast » Sat Jan 28, 2012 2:04 pm

Well, there is a difference between simple and convenient.

I like games that are challenging. That, to me, makes a game fun. But the challenge comes from making strategic decisions against excellent competition.

Games that are inconvenient to play, especially where I have to log in and spend large quantities of time clicking the same button over and over again (ie., purchase, next city, purchase, next city) is decidedly not fun.

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Postby liljames326 » Sat Jan 28, 2012 4:25 pm

Well maybe then it is the fact you can take over so many cities, so should there be a city limit, but also the ability destroy cities? Therefore having you choose where you want to take over cities at and playing more strategic in army builds and such?

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Postby Tamerlane » Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:28 pm

I have 150 cities. Couldn't agree more it's very tiring to go over everyday and buy scholarships. I'm on wi fi allthe time and it takes 30 sec in average on each city so do the math. some days I just didn't do it cause don't really want to spendt time on that, war is much more fun. Valor please give us some relief with this, this will be ur #1 seller, lol

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