Chaos change and attack change

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Chaos change and attack change

Postby Naita » Thu Feb 09, 2012 3:37 am

Chaos (the 40 limit of inbound attacks) is starting to dominate the game play . It is ruining what is otherwise a terrific game. The 40 limit needs to be raised to 100 or more to discourage people using it constantly.

This will create one problem. Chaos is the only way to "support" a city after a longish range conquer. Without chaos the defender can just send 2 scholars and take the city back before you can get support there. As well as changing chaos, you could also change the way an attack works when it hits your own city. If an attack that lands on your own city (because you have conquered it after the attack was sent ) it should turn into support and stay in the city. This way you can send "attacks" timed to land just after your final scholar and hence get support into the city right away.

I can't express how important this change is, if you want to keep serious players interested in valor.

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Postby Adagio » Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:20 am

Completely agree. Another idea to solve the problem of long distance conquest: why wouldn't the troop you send with the scholar just enter the town, and immediately support it? Or even be reattached to the town. That would be the more logical.

But in all cases, I agree that an attack hitting your own city should turn into support, and vice-versa.

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Postby Adagio » Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:22 am

By vice-versa I meant: a support hitting the ennemy should turn into an attack, of course.

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Postby Valorgamer » Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:56 am

Would add a lot of different tactics to the game but would everyone start sending zerks to support in order to start attacking ? Would they send knights to take all resources back from the lost city ?
For support in game, please go to:
Portal > ? (Question Mark - Upper right of the screen) > Support > Mail Icon
For support outside of the game, please go to:

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Postby Naita » Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:01 am

Very interesting .... Thanks for your feedback ... Support turning into attacks - another interesting twist. All these changes would enable you to attack or support without the fear that you will be attacking your own city or supporting an enemy. It really makes no sense to have to worry about it.

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Postby Naita » Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:21 am

I think the strategy would evolve ... Mass attacks timed around your scholar hit, knowing that attacks arriving after would just become support.

At the same time the defender would send support, knowing that it would attack if the city is lost. But... They would also know that the attackers troops would be supporting immediately. Hence, they might think twice about trying to steal resources, because the city may be full of troops !

The whole plan would work quite smoothly and more "real world" like.

But.... The main issue here is chaos, and the degree it is dominating the game play. It's an artificial concept. It would be better to lower the number of commanders to 10, and set chaos to 50 or 100. The game will improve if at least it takes 5 or more cities to chaos a single city.

Stark Bledfast
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Postby Stark Bledfast » Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:03 am

5 or 10 cities to chaos a city? When you have 50+ cities, that's no problem at all. Minor inconvenience at most.

Personally I think chaos needs to be eliminated altogether. It has been posted that the reason for the artificial limit (ie., introduction of chaos) was because devices could not handle a multitude of attacks coming and they would crash. If the interface were tweaked to make incoming (and outgoing) attacks work like reports, and have multiple pages that can be cycled through to review what is coming at your city, then I would think the devices could handle it without a problem. The limit could then be removed. If you want to waste your time and send 3000 attacks at my city, each with 1 lancer, then go for it. Perhaps you can hide a real army in there somewhere. I'm down with that.

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Postby Naita » Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:59 am

Stark ... I agree completely, the only way to make the game work properly is to remove the chaos limit completely. I guess I was looking for a compromise solution if the system needs a limit. What do the valor chiefs think ??


Postby Orlor » Sat Feb 11, 2012 2:13 am

Our design team is looking at Chaos, I do send them every constructive forum post about it.

If/when there is a change the forums will be the first to know.

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Postby Naita » Sat Feb 11, 2012 4:28 pm

Thinking about this... Having the troops that are with the conquering scholar stay as support in the city is a great idea, but it's not enough..... Not enough troops and also sometimes it's hard to know which scholar will conquer. So I think it needs the added change I suggest of all attack troops turning into support when they hit your own city.

Also, thanks for the update on chaos .... It is under huge debate in our guild chat as it is really making the game "artificial" ... If you think about it ... I can instantly impact a city in the other side of the world by sending 40 attacks at it... Even if it takes 2 days for those attacks to arrive, the instant I send the last attack all other attackers, even if they are only 10 minutes away are locked out. It is very artificial and ruins the realistic nature of the game. We will all be very interested in your solution, as I feel the quality of the game play is in question :)

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