Titles and no incetive

Post here any ideas or suggestions you have for improving Valor.
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Postby sancheezy » Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:29 am

Benfrom300 wrote:You do realize I was referring to your quark points idea right? You said players can save these up for future worlds... That's not a good idea. And it favors the players that have been playing longer. Gold purchases are available to everyone. The choice is theirs to buy it, or not. They don't need another currency.

You do realize their is an original post? You do realize the original poster was asking for ideas like this? You did read the post...right...? He/she wanted an additional reward for playing above medals and a way to "earn" (get for free) some of the premium items. A reward for playing longer. I presented an idea other than, "We have gold and its enough". I even said I am not the biggest fan (if you would have read the posts) but could be a solution.

Benfrom300 wrote:I'm not trolling, I state my opinion. Which as you've stated, is what the forums are for. As for not helping out and providing thoughtful comments, keep in mind, you are the only person I have had to argue with over the forums and you called me a fanboy on a post I no longer am going to read, ill leave it at what firefall said, I'm no fanboy and infact I'm one of the most outspoken guildmasters. You like giving your honest opinion but shooting down others honest opinions.

Who's the troll?

You state your opinion quite poorly. I have asked you over and over to formulate some type of reasonable response to any of your posts which you have failed to do (again and again).

Keep in mind I never went to one of your threads and starting shooting down your ideas (as easy as that would be). You have come to each of my posts recently in the forum and had a comment and, when I asked you to elaborate, run away with your tail between your legs or try to change the subject all together.

You can say you are no fanboy but you have again just defended Valor and its current state with nothing to back it up and no ideas on how to fix it.

Look up "fanboy", come up with a decent argument , have your own opinion and maybe you wont be called one.

Saying you "read" the other post is a stretch now isn't it? When I have said over and over again you do anything but read posts (and you seem to keep proving me right).

I enjoy a stimulating conversation and a debate. Shooting down your "ideas" (if we can call them that) gives me no pleasure at all. When I see you have posted I hope (for you) that you have something more to add only to face the hash empty reality that is your reply. Firefall at least has his own opinion and can stand on his own in a conversation. You not being able to hack it on a public forum and then abandoning the argument because you cant think of anything to add (and been called out on it a few times) is quite telling and, in my opinion, truly reflects the state of Valor today.

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Postby Benfrom300 » Wed Dec 11, 2013 2:20 pm

whatever man... im not here to argue with people. i havent insulted your character once, which youve done to me multiple times now. why cant we just be friends? with my killing prowess and your talking skills maybe we'd make a good team ;)

talking isnt my strong suit, youve stated that multiple times. im a killing machine, not a diplomat.

cheers mate
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Postby sancheezy » Wed Dec 11, 2013 4:22 pm

Benfrom300 wrote:whatever man... im not here to argue with people. i havent insulted your character once, which youve done to me multiple times now. why cant we just be friends? with my killing prowess and your talking skills maybe we'd make a good team ;)

talking isnt my strong suit, youve stated that multiple times. im a killing machine, not a diplomat.

cheers mate

Cheers to that Ben! If you can't tell by now, I am probably as passionate about Valor as you are; just have some of my own ideas and present them strongly. I am sure my frustrations with the game have been somewhat directed at you (been a little too easy a target ;) ) unnecessarily. I just know it all stems from my desire to have the game improved. I by no means think my ideas are the right or only ones. I just want people to stick around, have a better game play experience and more players. Probably asking the world but I really just feel the game has gotten stale and want to see it improved.

I hope I have the pleasure of playing with you in a new world one day where the issues we have talked about for so long have finally be resolved.

Happy hunting to you!

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Postby Benfrom300 » Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:57 am

sancheezy wrote:Cheers to that Ben! If you can't tell by now, I am probably as passionate about Valor as you are; just have some of my own ideas and present them strongly. I am sure my frustrations with the game have been somewhat directed at you (been a little too easy a target ;) ) unnecessarily. I just know it all stems from my desire to have the game improved. I by no means think my ideas are the right or only ones. I just want people to stick around, have a better game play experience and more players. Probably asking the world but I really just feel the game has gotten stale and want to see it improved.

I hope I have the pleasure of playing with you in a new world one day where the issues we have talked about for so long have finally be resolved.

Happy hunting to you!

come on over, got a fridge full of beer and going to throw some burgers on the grill:P
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Postby MyName999 » Fri Dec 13, 2013 5:09 am

Benfrom300 wrote:come on over, got a fridge full of beer and going to throw some burgers on the grill:P

Gimme a flying ticket, and I'll join the party ;-p

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Postby Ash2damax » Sat Dec 14, 2013 3:24 am

The original suggestion is what used to happen to some degree.

Before the days of ****les; we had timed competitions. Usually gain the most KSA, KSD or points in a week. Rewards were: a medal, gold (more generous than given now) and a permanent boost... wether it be resource boost; que extender; medic; etc... The only limit was that it was for the tip of the top winners of them competitions AND was restricted to the world they were won in.

Now... I'd say 90% of those that won them platinum medals and boosts were coiners... so in theory, they did used to give out permanent(ish) rewards - because the worlds lasted so long - to valued paying customers. There isn't a real reason (other than economic greed) why these competitions cant be re-introduced with their attached competitive reward system (hopefully to span across the void between worlds).

Everyone's opinion contributes to the grand debate.

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Postby Ash2damax » Sat Dec 14, 2013 3:46 am

Ash2damax wrote: ****les;


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Postby SirBlazeALot420 » Wed Dec 25, 2013 10:41 pm

Another idea for a reward would be unit speed upgrade that doesn't exit yet! I have been playing a lot and have spent a lot of coin in many worlds. Most of them I turn over my cities to the guild as crown and let others take the win. There is not much of a reward to win anyways less another title. Once you have over 100 that are not all stupid self pawn titles there is not much of a point. Yes I would like a new title but something that helps or really means something. In this new age of new players starting 6-7 guilds and have only played one world. Maybe even a title requirement to start a guild and crown title requirement as well. Maybe if you guys don't want to give anything make a move and step up and take! That way the titles mean something and they will be more of a felling of accomplishment rather than a none stop complaint department. Real leaders resolve problems because any DA can complain!

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