The future of Gold

Post here any ideas or suggestions you have for improving Valor.
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The future of Gold

Postby Kyren » Sun Jul 27, 2014 4:50 pm


So I've been balancing Quarks desire and obvious right to make money with gold versus the huge way it effects balance and has caused so many people to be upset, some even leaving the world.

Now, I'm quite sure you've heard lots of complaints about it and I'm really going to try and not do that in here, but I was looking for alternatives as I fear losing many friends as guild mates as they find the game less fun lately.

I was wondering if Quark would consider a free version of valor as you already have, where people can pay for extra res, truce and other such things.
Yet also have another version where there is a fee.. either to join individual worlds, or a monthly membership fee. It is depressing for people with no money to fight folk who spend hundreds on the game. I know the game would never want to lose that sort of money but in this way could it be done both ways?

The other thing I thought of is that if people do give up and start leaving a game because of it being off balance it eventually becomes less fun for those spending money. Why? Spend hundreds to gain bonuses but your competitors are only those left who do the sae? The results you want of huge head start aren't there... you either spend more money or there is no point in the big bonus. Eventually might even the big money spenders start falling off?

I don't say this will happen, today, tomorrow, or even 6 months from now. It does seem a thing that might happen in the future...

I think quark has made some wonderful improvements lately and applaud you guys for that.
Please though ... can you find ways to help the balance of coin issue? (I'm sorry if you've heard this a million times, on a quick run through forums I didn't see it mentioned... and I hope this came out more as a suggestion and less as a gripe.)

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Postby LordFirefall » Mon Jul 28, 2014 1:31 pm

I see you found the Titan thread. That's the answer.
W95 Praetorian Guard Guild Leader
Kakao: LordFirefall or Firefall

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