Increase Guild Rank Options

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Increase Guild Rank Options

Postby Snowman9 » Mon Feb 27, 2012 2:15 am

I'd like their to be a few more ranks available to choose from, perhaps a Sgt, Cpl, Pvt. Etc. Also the ability to create the name of your guild's ranks would be sweet.

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Postby Vasasalo » Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:51 am

Yeah I've suggested this before too. Don't forget to add the assignable ranks as well. That way you don't give away the keys to your kingdom just to reward players with titles.

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Postby Robby » Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:14 am

You have to think about this. What would be the abilities of each of the ranks? There isn't much. But maybe there can be a thing if you attack someone in another guild with a rank then you get more resources or points or something. The lower the rank, lower the resources/points. Vice versa.
Because war is war, and war never changes.

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Postby Lagna » Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:26 am

If you did that than a guild would promote everyone one so they can farm more

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Postby Vasasalo » Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:37 pm

No new abilities need to be added. Just the ability to reward long time members without having to give guild rights to everyone. It's easy.
1. Have say up to 5 editable ranks. Start a guild with the three you have but don't lock it to where it has to be that label.

2. Have only the guild crowns with 'god rights'. All other ranks either have default no rights but they have the ability to have specific rights assigned by the crowns.

3. Editable rights:
3a. Forum post additions/edits without deletion. Without the ability to add new folders.
3b. Forum god rights.
3c. Invite people to guild.
3d. Remove from guild.
3e. Set diplomacy.

4. Everyone one happy. The crowns can reward people for time in guild, without having to worry about waking up to either all forums deleted or being removed from their own guild by a lower rank.

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Postby Vasasalo » Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:39 pm

To expand on number 2.
They can have no rights or they can have either 1 specific right assigned to them or multiple rights according to the wishes of the crown.

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Postby Lagna » Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:11 pm

I was replying to #2 which said if you attack someone from a guild with a higher rank than you get more resources. If you did that than every guild wouldn't promote anyone as to keep their resources high until later in the game. I like the idea of custom ranks but leave how it affects the gameplay alone.


Postby Orlor » Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:15 pm

Having some more guild ranks is something we are looking into.

It will probably end up like Vasasalo said, with no direct gameplay changes, but more utility for the guild.

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