Valor suggestions

Post here any ideas or suggestions you have for improving Valor.
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Postby Patches42 » Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:58 am

The two major complaints I have are that you have to actually go to a town to get the reports and they don't just update every time you select the mail screen. Secondly you have to view the mail before you can see a newly conquered city. That should update automatically in the portal screen as well as the map. These two make for a lot of wasted time for folks above 50 cities.

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Postby Mielle » Sat Nov 19, 2011 8:46 am

It would be great if you coul sort a list of cities in your guild by their proximity to you. Please please please

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Postby TheLionHearted » Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:28 am

I totally agree with Patches42 the mail update is broken. you should not have to go to the city to get mail notifications.

Another portal enhancement would be to add a button to go to the end on the list just like the front of the list button.

Another Fix on the acadmey screen is the scholarship scroll bar.
If you set the scroll bar to say purchase 10 scholars, press purchase, the value of the of the scroll bar adjusts to the remaining balance of scholars based on funds available correctly. if you then arrow over to the next city the scroll bar remains at the 10 position and still shows like two scholars until you touch the scroll bar. I would like to see the value of the bar represent the bar position so I could quickly buy ten scholars for each city. with almost 250 cities adjusting the scroll bar every screen is killing me.

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Postby FwA » Tue Nov 22, 2011 7:01 pm

This game is epic. I'm addicted. But please please please, change the system so that when you conquer a city, the troops you sent with your scholar should be made to stay and support the city you conquer. Or at least add in the option to do so. Nothing more annoying than taking a city and seeing 10 attacks incoming straight away and support is 2 days away... Lol
My other suggestion, depending on the amount of scouts u send, or something of the sort, the scout report should reveal the cities loyalty, to avoid this consistent problem I'm seeing of people working on a city all day, getting loyalty to 3 then someone else sends one attack not knowing and takes it in one go. It's creating unwanted enemies, and also if the problems occurs between two alloance memers, people are having to leave alliances for long periods of time to allow the other member to claim the city. Not to mention someone loses a scholar for no reason.
Hope my suggestions are helpful. :) thanks for your time

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Postby RyanK » Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:29 am

Allowing the conquering troops to stay would be nice. However, there are ways to conquer a city and lock it down for as long as you like until you build it up or get support there. Just think outside the box a little.

I heard this suggestion before, and I like it...have the ability to scout incoming troops with your own (level ?) scouts from the city under attack.

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Postby RyanK » Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:38 am

A couple other suggestions I have are:

1.Allow http links in posts/messages.
2. Allow delete/read all.
3. Email reports
4. Better prizes on wheel
5. Add real-time notification for incoming attacks and/or make it easier to see what cities are under attack

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Postby ArtemisRider » Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:39 am

This game would be way much better if there was an android app for it and if we could sync between devices. Still valor rocks! :)

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Postby Xupernova » Mon Nov 28, 2011 1:34 am

I want to share mails with guild especially spy reports... Please make it available

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Postby FwA » Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:28 am

Give us some feedback on our suggestions for starters. Would be nice to know if we are listened to or not. Also. When u update, warn us your doing so so we don't war during these times and lag like crazy, lastly, I'm on here making these suggestions because yet again I can't connect, so would suggest upgrading your server hardware to something better. After 30+ worlds, I'm sure you have made enough money to provide a better service, after all, players like myself pay real money to you guys.
Thanks for listening.
All in all, still my favourite game :D


Postby Orlor » Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:08 pm

I can let you know that we do read all of these and take them into consideration. Some of course would take a bit longer to add then others. Just keep those suggestions coming!

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