Valor on the computer?!

Post here any ideas or suggestions you have for improving Valor.
Stark Bledfast
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Postby Stark Bledfast » Sat Feb 18, 2012 8:04 am

I would like to see it for 2 reasons:

1. Typing messages. I loathe typing messages in from my hand held device. Small keyboard, small input box, horrible interface (no, I do not have any suggestion for making the interface better... the small keyboard and input box alone are enough to make me loathe typing messages). If I could jump onto my computer and type out a message with my keyboard, then I would be so much happier.

2. Map. Being able to see more than a small section of the world at a time, and have likely much faster refresh rates for the drawing of the map would be awesome.

Otherwise, the game is perfectly playable on my hand held, and is much more convenient than jumping on a computer every time I want to do something. As long as I can play my account from both, and not only a "play on your hand held device OR play from a computer" then I'd be a happy player.

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Postby Heraclea » Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:06 am

Having valour browser based is a must.
From a players perspective, the interface would be easier to play with, and activity in guilds would increase ( as typing on iPhones sucks). I play a few browser games and there is no comparison... It's much better. I actually was disappointed that valour does not have this option, and it has discouraged me with continuing the game as there are similar games that offer both options.

From a business perspective, more options for advertising revenue, ability to reach a larger scale audience, increased loyalty among users and higher probability of players using premium features.

Get on it guys...

Lord Valren
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Postby Lord Valren » Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:24 am

I think having Valor be a browser game would be fantastic! One of the things that amazes me most about it is how awesome the music is. Makes for a very enjoyable experience. Just realize you're gonna have major competition against things like the Evony crowd, although I think this is much more classy. But no matter what keep it on the phone too, I like checking in on my city wherever I go.

BA Baracus
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Postby BA Baracus » Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:47 am

Please make it so I can play my accounts on computer! I'd like it if I could log into n play the accounts I already have on my devices. I think the limit 2 your accounts based on your different email validated accounts on different devices would b enough! Please do it I wanna see a bigger map, n perhaps more info on the map like travel times from your currently selected city 2 the one u r looking at! This could b a huge opportunity to keep dedicated players ingame

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Postby Michael2 » Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:04 am

I think it would be great to have valor on computer but I think it would be less accessible than iPhone because it's not as portable.

As well as it would be easier to get multiple accounts to play on which in my eyes is cheating.

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Postby Vasasalo » Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:37 pm

They would have to set up a logon list. basically by mac address. when you log into that account from a mac address, it gets added to you accounts list and then that mac can never log into any other account. honestly though, if someone wants to cheat, they will find a way regardless if it's put on a machine or not.

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Postby Emsmedic5 » Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:20 pm

There is a game that does all of this. Tribal wars is very similar to this you can play on the phone and pc. It's not as good as Valor but you can play on both.

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Postby Cmd » Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:18 am

If you would considering this you should built a super anti cheat system. This means detecting auto clickers etc. Multiple logings etc etc

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Postby Babsi » Fri Mar 09, 2012 3:40 pm

I like the idea. If you did a search now for Valor on the computer, Evony pops up. I agree allowing one user account per IP Address will need to be in tact.

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Postby Sanguinis » Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:47 am

I don't believe a browser-based expansion of Valor is a good idea. If you look at it with face-value, it seems to be; however the key to Valor is its' mobile-centric nature. Phones are with you all the time and its' easy to get involved and share strategies/plans with friends in person, as well as have access to it all the time. If Valor was opened up via the browser, then it'll lose this certain appeal. You would have a very mixed dynamic of individuals who play on the computer, and those who always have phones on them. There would be a certain level of imbalance in the grand scheme of things.

Playmesh should concentrate on making Valor the best mobile experience. It's a great game at the moment, but there's definitely tons of things that can be improved and it'd be great to see Playmesh lead innovation in this area. (i.e. online communication with guild members/between alliances; maybe think of a way that's more efficient/phone screen-friendly that a forum. A forum is a more browser-esque way of communicating. There must be a better way with the current technology.)

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