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Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 7:22 am
by Kalm
Firefall just want to commend you on the initiative!! You've got my like

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 9:44 am
by LordFirefall
Poisonousdeath wrote:Only 50 that would kill it for me

I have to agree with Poisonousdeath here. Its fun battling with large amounts of cities. Having more than 50 cities allows players to kill constantly against heavy targets (something we see all the time in old worlds). Moreover, it is in keeping with the ferocity Quark/PlayMesh has always said they were after.

Most of the fixes we were promised would not take a lot of work to implement. Although increased stability and better inbound tracking may be difficult, multicity management and mass sholarship purchasing is an easy fix. Its a matter of choice on how Quark allocates their resources.

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 9:45 am
by LordFirefall
Kalm wrote:Firefall just want to commend you on the initiative!! You've got my like

Thanks - just looking to try to get Quark to deliver what they promised over a year ago.

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 10:03 am
by Kalm
I am well aware, and that is a discussion worth having. As your responses have demonstrated, there are a large number of players that love the game concept but have ongoing issues with implementation - we've been on this topic for a long time, hopefully quark realise and don't kill the golden goose.

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 12:29 pm
by DarthBlue
Well, most people don't have hours and hours to spend tending to hundreds of city's. So, if limiting the city count is not the fix, I would ask what your fix would be?
I would also argue that it is a far more fierce battle with ony a few city's, than it is when you have city's coming out your ears, and plus or minus a few don't mean much. Limits mean that everyone is subject to death at all times of the world. Seems pretty fierce to me... IMO

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 9:17 pm
by Sirboland
LordFirefall, I agree with you to a point. First of all Guildmaster group was created after Beyond The Sword. And I think Valor players and Quark Staff can come to common ground with out these rant pages.. I would like to talk with FireFall and PwnLaw tomorrow about away of finding common ground so that Quark can continue working on the new game which i believe is only available to Military with Ipad 2, and also have the players of Valor enjoying their game. FireFall I would like to talk to you on Kakao in a few hours if you are online.. I dont have my Ipod so I will contact you with a new Kakao ID... Also going to share some of my current opinions on suggestions made.

DarthBlue,,, Limiting empires to 50 cities would be great for people who cant compete in the top 200 (59K Worlds) but really unrealistic, it would enforce the use of ALT Accounts which shouldnt be enforced!.

Valorians want new features but they arent willing to deal with the bugs that assoiciate with them.

FireFall I will contact you in the next few hours..

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:49 am
by LordFirefall
Although GuildMasters were created post TBS, many who are GuildMasters now were in on the discussions that occurred pre-TBS regarding these improvements. PM me your new ID if you can't get me on Kakao, or messages me via Facebook.

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 2:33 pm
by DirtySouthATL
Did Evo really delete my comment?

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:10 pm
by LordFirefall
DirtySouthATL wrote:Did Evo really delete my comment?

Which? We don't have the capability to edit other's comments.

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:34 pm
by Greyhigh
Bravo on your post and the time you are taking to get Valor back on it's feet rather than what most do, just complain w/out action.