Enough already!

Post here any ideas or suggestions you have for improving Valor.

Postby PwnLaw » Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:05 am

Man, tons of solid suggestions in this thread. I'm gonna miss a bunch, but let me give you guys some thoughts on a few that come to mind:

- On the pricing tier structure. We're a bit constrained by Apple requirements which places limits on certain price points and # of price points we can potentially entertain.
- On paying up front for the game. This is actually closer to what we really wanted for the game, but it turns out the player base didn't share that opinion. We still think about alternatives and I'll forward this thread along.
- On gold for resources pricing. We've kept it at this point to maintain balance in the game. It may surprise you to know that a number of the top players do not monetize. We don't want people to feel obliged to monetize, even if it would end up making us more $$$.
- On alternate means for gaining gold. Something we're looking at; we've gathered a few ideas from the forums in addition to some of our own thoughts. For us it's a priority issue. We have a few really cool features in the pipeline for the next few months (so excited), and we don't want to delay them right now.

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Postby Eldorren » Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:34 am

I think what you would find, is that if your product is solid.... and this one is for the most part, your reviews will speak for themselves. People will read them, see the popularity of the product and buy it. I think people who would claim that a game that is well developed and polished, should be for free... is a ridiculous notion. You spend X amount of time working on something...it shouldn't be free. The cost of most iOS games is a joke compared to what games cost on other platforms. I think most players have either gotten spoiled or have unrealistic expectations.

In reality, people might moan and complain... but ***ody minds paying a few (or several) dollars for something they enjoy. Look at Gameloft... They charge probably more than any developer out there for their games, but ya know what? People buy them, because they were well developed and worth the money spent, even if it's a total rip off and completely non-innovative. Valor gives many hours of enjoyment and that should be worth an up front cost. My 2 cents.

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Postby Mosser » Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:21 am

Lower the coins cost for in game items.
Why did they change the 1 gold for instant trade?

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Postby Destroyer75 » Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:08 am

Guys you have to understand they have to make money to and not by lowerring there prices that will cut down on there pay when there also just trying to make the game better for us by making things like the new guild chat

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Postby Ravean » Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:12 am

1) Well im the one who likes the current gold price and what it give.
2) I understand this game have to give profit - it is a product, of course it should. This also the only chance to make game better, having good programmers, etc..
3) My suggestions is - why don't you add some more benefits can be purchased which actually do not affect the balance. Like if you want some kind of medal displayed next to your name, different guild name color in the list, etc. From one side it doesn't change balance at all, from other side there is always players like me who will enjoy such things. And so u got ur money, i got my medal, balance not changed :) ))))))))))

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Postby XTMalDoran » Wed Apr 04, 2012 12:28 am

Although I agree that you'll never get rid of the gold system, I disagree with certain paid for perks that give a disadvantage to those of us who don't use gold. Like the instant spy, the person you are instant spying should get notification as if the person used scouts. Anyone can rule the world, as long as you have the money to buy that victory. Things like blessing and truce are ok bcs they don't impact the STRATEGY part of the game. I personally enjoy the aspect of out witting my opponent - if they use gold the sweeter it is to cap their city.

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Postby Mosser » Sat Apr 07, 2012 3:22 pm

If they lower prices. People will buy more gold.
Demand goes up if the prices are lower. Simple economics guys....

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Postby Gwynbleidd » Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:26 pm

Mosser wrote:If they lower prices. People will buy more gold.
Demand goes up if the prices are lower. Simple economics guys....

cant argue there. its been proven time and again. with regard to charging a subscription fee, its not a very good marketing strategy. the game is a free app, therefore any one can download and play it. after which they get addicted (inevitable) and they feel the need to pay the price. so there you go, basic economics and basic psychology. i think once inside the game, an option for premium subscription should be give, where u pay a lump sum in the begining and the price of everything drops by about 75%. this mite peak interests.

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Postby ramorocks » Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:23 pm

how about 50 gold coinc for conquering cities. sounds like a good idea. we take their resources why can't we take the kingdom's gold

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Postby Tooltip » Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:41 pm

For one thing no one wants to lose a city and gold they paid for.

You need to prevent people from farming gold then.

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