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Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:36 am
by Gorrak
Hi, im new to this game, but thought id give it a go. I love it so far and was immediately impressed with the artwork
(as advertised...its great).
I am however, quite disappointed with the new update as it has done away with a couple of the more... "feminine attributes" of Aurora. Im sure I speak for many when I say... Please restore the original artwork.
Thanks for reading,

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 7:17 pm
by Sbnamir
yes! totally agree!

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:35 pm
by Grimroth
I have to second that.

See, call me sick or a little pervert, though I would rather think of myself as a devote admirer of the female form, but I would prefer the old Aurora pictures back.

I have been a fan of her since before I got my iPhone and she is basically the reason I got the game. Got the Hd version. Although I am loving the game, she was definitely the lure.

Right now, and this may be a poor example, I feel as if I have gone to my favorite restaurant and found that my favorite dish has been "modified". Even though it may only be appearance, it may not look as appealing.

Plus, I feel for whoever created Aurora in the first place. My sincerest congratulations to him/her. And my condolences. He/she has fallen a victim to censorship. This "new look" is just a cover up job. So, as with many works of art created during the Renaissance, she has been modified to suit the taste of, sorry, dirtier minds that cannot appreciate the human form for what it is: a temple to be admired.

Next, they will be busy vouching for a bra to be put on the Venus de Milo or, at least, a speedo on MikeAngelo's David.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:20 pm
by Orlor
I do want your feedback (constructively) about Aurora's new look. Please let me know what you think!

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:43 pm
by Subjugglator
In my humble opinion, i think the old Aurora was better.
For me, it was her picture and the rest of the art that made this game really stand out in the App Store. I don't think i would've ever started playing if it wasn't for her.

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 1:48 am
by DanielJ
I think many would like the old Aurora back, even me but we must also think about the people who doesnt want that.

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:30 am
by jo999666
The old Aurora was a lot better. The exemple of Grimroth with the favorite dish is exactly what I think.
This was disapointing because she is a part of the game.

And like Subjugglator said, it was her picture and the rest of the art that made this game really stand out in the App Store. I don't think I would have ever started playing if it wasn't for her.

And if you want to think about the people who doesnt like the old Aurora, maybe there should be an option to change her in the setting or an optional update?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:27 pm
by Subjugglator
I really like jo's idea. It would be a great compromise between the people who like the old Aurora and the people who don't.

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 7:20 pm
by Killerkoffe
Like a child safety that u can set a pass code? It would be cool if it was a tree and clay and iron symbols that made up the pass code. I really miss the old artwork.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 6:20 pm
by Grimroth

Constructive on Orlor's request, but restating that I like the previous Aurora art better.

Although the artist did a great job, having dabbled in drawing myself, the flow or fall of the dress looks odd, forced or too symmetrical. Can't quite nail it, but I believe it is the result of mending the portrait.

If a new, winter, fall, summer, spring or whatever set of clothes is desired, I believe they should be designed/drawn completely from scratch. Your artist will be busy throughout the year and not only stare at the guys who actually make the game work.

(You could create a calendar and sell it for gold, not a lot, I BEG you)

Also, consistency would be desirable and straightforward. If Aurora is to be covered up for the sake of some, then her advertisements (seen by many more people, including children) should adhere to the same rule. I bet there are going to be a lot of disappointed players that will not see the Aurora lying completely without any clothing covered by strategically placed piles of coins picture in the game. If you do not advertise it like that, then you don't create the expectation.

It is an entertaining game, but it is all numbers, math. Art in the form of Aurora is really the eye pleasing aspect of it. And art should not be modified to please all, it comes as a physical representation of the autors ideas. ***ody should modify one's ideas.

Sorry, Orlor, may have gone overly poetic on the last paragraph. You probably can tell how bad I want the old pic back. :)

Ps: Sbnamir is funny on the other thread.