Improve efficiency of play as people grow

Post here any ideas or suggestions you have for improving Valor.
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Improve efficiency of play as people grow

Postby Naita » Sat May 05, 2012 8:22 pm

Ok ... I've been playing valor since world 16, and I have a suggestion.

At the start to succeed, players need to be "attentive" ... Spend a little time, frequently, to level up and get things growing. As you grow, you need to attend to the game less frequently, but each time, you need to spend more time, to manage multiple cities conquer new cities, defend, etc....

Eventually, you grow to the point where it takes several hours a day to keep playing properly.

This is a problem, many players who had the time to be attentive and grow, don't have the time to keep playing, and eventually they give up.

My suggestion, is for valor to implement greater efficiency as you grow. Having "auroras blessing" free or permanent, have a list of all attacks sent, or all attacks at a city. (with 50+ cities it can take a long time to find where incoming or outgoing attacks are). I want a list of my cities that have scholars. Even the ability to set cities to build troops as resources are mined.

Perhaps there is a building that is really expensive (maybe an academy upgrade that takes 100 scholarships ?). That gives you these advanced features.

I believe these efficiencies would encourage more players to keep playing and hence make the game more successful.

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Postby DeathViruzX » Sat May 05, 2012 11:21 pm

Yes. This is highly beneficial to those with godly numbers of cities. It is truly too hard for these players to take care of their cities. A free Aurora's blessing would be nice when you reach a city limit perphaps like 20 cities?

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Postby Fun_Bec » Sun May 06, 2012 1:20 am

Great Idea!!! Currently I'm at well over 100 cities in one of my world's... Players seem to leave daily because they have grown larger then what they have time for. Maybe even a discount or monthly membership type of arrangement.

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Postby Duke24 » Sun May 06, 2012 8:17 am

Yes that would be nice. I would really like to see the Portal have only one page though. Would be a huge timesaver.

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Postby Tooltip » Sun May 06, 2012 10:33 am

Give the little player something to balance this out. Nations that become too large should have a least a little difficulty.

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Postby Duke24 » Sun May 06, 2012 11:58 am

Yeah, but still it is a little unbalanced no matter what.

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