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Top ten Multiple suggestion requests from my guildies

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 8:37 pm
by Anitapoop
Dear playmesh, valorknights, and trolls..
I have a few suggestions I'd like to see implemented. But being realistic I dunno if these are possible with the games graphics and server engines, ..well as awesome as it seems.
So here we go I'll try and make it quick and if u want more info mail me.
1. Zoom out on the map, guild leads and later game I'd find this very helpful.
2. I'd like to be able to have either more color choices for allies, or perhaps different color flags on the map to tag a player or guild.. Again trying to be realistic adding 100 flags to the map would bog down loading I'm sure.
3. A way to easily communicate in the forums and hide it from guild members that are not given a promotion.
4. Archers enough said I think an archery range
Would be a fun new unit set.
5. 30k population or at least 25k, 23,238 or what ever it is drives my need to have even numbers crazy.
6. I'd like to see the wheel change but I'll add it in on other threads.
7. Last but not least, as you add cities like around 20, it glitches way more often. I had a scholar appear for free, and army miraculously vanish, and resources not adding in correctly in a few of the cities on page three. Kind of like a gamble, some win some lose it seems. Any way I figured the way we page through cities in the top left is the majority of the reason, and needs reworked a bit. Maybe a drop down city page.

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 11:16 pm
by DeathViruzX
I like number 5. I just go crazy if I don't see even numbers which is why I always recruit troops in one hundreds lol.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 2:02 am
by Rhazen
Allies should have its own color instead of blue... Maybe green???

Hidden messages on forums can be done already by placing a < im the post, only someone able to edit (promoted) can see it as it will appear as a blank post and will be shown when you hit edit

Wheel of fortune there has been numerous posts on this topic already

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 7:58 pm
by ChichWarrior14
4!!!!!! Yes! All the way!!! I want archers! They should have something special about them like they can hit a target within 100 fields instantly from range!!!!

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 10:39 am
by Vasasalo
All of these has been discussed in detail in other posts and to rhazens post about the solution to number 3.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 7:52 pm
by Tooltip
I like number two, regarding choosing an alternative allied color.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 10:25 am
by W venable
Number 3 I want to have a war council only warlords and generals can post in

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 11:51 am
by Rats
Dude #5 is a must for me lol

I am a very meticulous person and I prolly have OCD or something cause if I don't have 5000 zerks 3000 knights 1000 guards and 500 rams in all my attack cities and an even 5000 guards in my defense cities then I go crazy if I have over that amount then I kill them off lol I have to have an even 20k food my troops too so I keep my market at 20 and city hall at lvl 25

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 6:46 pm
by Seabass7
Hey venAble, we just use a app called kakao, its free and you can do 1:1 chats or huge confrance chats, im in LAWE09 in w54 and we got like 10 dif lawe guilfs and q few boa and every 1 is all in 1 jakao room, then we set uprooms with select ppl for claims, battle plains ect...

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 2:10 am
by Gwynbleidd
i also have a suggestion. When we conquer multiple cities. we shud be able to send troops to our own cities and amange them from whichever city we want. to help better coordinate attacks.
Example: i "give" my troops to my other city whihc maybe 2 to 4 hours away. once the troops get there. o can order those troops to attacks another city whihc is closer to this city as compared to my previous city. this would help alot in terms of "giving" infantry, cavalry, machines and scholars to help conquer other areas.