New mode

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New mode

Postby Easylemon » Mon May 07, 2012 4:42 am

Ok. So after thinking for quite some time, I thought of a brilliant idea. Here it is:

A new game mode: Famine
This game mode will be where all players start with a gargantuan amount of resources eg.1000000 of each.
They cannot build resource fields to gather resource nor there would be any barbarian camps. The only way they can get resources is by pillaging nearby player-owned cities. This will make games much more challenging as well.

Of course, for creating such world, Playmesh can make a profit too.
Say for example, participating in these worlds will cost u a Ticket (costs 25).

But, each world has a set limit of play time say 3 months?
The top 10 highest point players will receive gold as a reward.
For example,
1st place: 500 gold
2nd place:300 gold
3rd place:150 gold
4th-6th place: 100 gold
7th-10th place: 75 gold
All winners will receive a special title as well eg.Strategist or something that appears right next to their name permanently.

I, myself will gladly pay for such worlds of they are really implemented.

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Postby ChichWarrior14 » Mon May 07, 2012 7:53 pm

No offense but this isn't COD...


Postby Orlor » Mon May 07, 2012 8:00 pm

Very interesting idea Easylemon.

We are currently working on a few different ideas for ways to have some er different Valor experiences.

Please excuse the vagueness for now.

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Postby Easylemon » Tue May 08, 2012 5:01 am

Thanks orlor.
And chihwarrior, this was not meant to be some other fps game.....

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Postby Ceasor69 » Tue May 08, 2012 11:50 am

I like this idea but a lot of people don't have the means to buy gold. So I don't think this option should be a if you pay you go in.
If you group worlds into say 5 (example) the top say 100 people get an invite to this world that easylemon suggested.
The invite is open for let's say 2 days. If there are still spaces left afterwards (if less than 100 people accepted) the next 50 ranking people will get invited from the worlds that haven't accepted all 100.
If there are still spaces after that..... Oh well the entry into that world closes.
And like easylemon said everyone fights to death and the top people win.
OR option 2: each world goes against each other with a 3 or 4 month limit, the world which have the most people left at the end all win say 500 gold. BUT everyone in losing worlds that are still left get 250 gold and the top 5 players left in the world get a certain amount of gold each

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Postby Tooltip » Tue May 08, 2012 7:48 pm

Add these special worlds to the rotation, like every fifth world or so.

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Joined: Tue May 08, 2012 6:35 pm

Postby Seabass7 » Fri May 11, 2012 3:28 pm

Sounds like fun

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