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Slight Improvements

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 11:38 pm
by DozerJnr

Just two quick suggestions.

1. Can you add a feature that you have to link your valor account with your Game Center... This has two benefits... Firstly you can play on mutliple devices. Secondly will reduce alt accounts. And please before anyone jumps on and says they need to use alt accounts to keep up with the coiners. That is a like, it's just an excuse you use to make you feel better about not being number 1.

2. Stop adding titles it's getting to a ridiculous amount!!!!!! And people please stop complaining that they are too hard to get.

Thanks :)

(A random valor player)

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:25 pm
by SirBlazeALot420
Adding a option like that dozer would make it to where anyone could log into your accout at anytime anywhere in the world. Yes it may be a good option for you but it would instantly destroy the entire game platform

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 8:30 am
by DozerJnr
I had already thought of that
But I also know that u can not only link accounts to Game Center accounts but certain devices
That way each device game only use one account
That way u couldn't do as u say and jump on someone's else's whislt they sleep to protect their cities.
It would need to be a combination.

Also another idea...... Have you guys thought about making a negative have zero effect on loyalty....... It seems kind of straight forward yet something that isn't happening...????

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 5:39 am
by MyName999
SirBlazeALot420 wrote:Adding a option like that dozer would make it to where anyone could log into your accout at anytime anywhere in the world. Yes it may be a good option for you but it would instantly destroy the entire game platform

How do you log to another GameCenter's guy account???

But I think that the link to an email vs GameCenter is easier for developers, as emails are on iOS AND Android; GameCenter is only on Apple devices...

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 5:42 am
by MyName999
Also another idea...... Have you guys thought about making a negative have zero effect on loyalty....... It seems kind of straight forward yet something that isn't happening...????[/QUOTE]

As already told, lots of clever solutions where given to Quark about the negative scholarship exploit; yours is one of the easiest and funniest (this could even lead to strategies). Problem isn't here, problem is Quark's will to fix this X-C

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 9:28 pm
by ThatValorPlayer
On neg scholars - they produce loyalty for you when you attack others, yet they are so quick to swap allegiance when their own king changes. Shouldn't they just insta-die? (negative or not) would make more sense than the current setup. And, btw, this was suggested some 2 years ago. (Possibly more) :)