My ideas to better valor

Post here any ideas or suggestions you have for improving Valor.
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My ideas to better valor

Postby KingEvo » Fri May 27, 2016 7:48 pm

These are some ideas I think would be great to make valor great again like it once was.

Slow down world speed. It was all fun as badass to have the super world speed 3 but a lot of us have jobs. When it was world speed 2 troops speed 2 it was a lot of fun and slower paced. I think even world speed 1.5 and troops speed 2 would be good.

Open up 30k worlds again with the slow speed.

Delete the tegular valor off of the Apple Store. This would stop people from having multiple accounts on one device. Back in the day you could only have either valor hd or not hd. Delete the non hd one everyone has really good phones I'm sure to handle the hd version.

Since we are trying to get worlds back to slower paced maybe add a upgrade the lvl of the guild
To unlock better walk time to barbs or maybe just a little faster walk time to other guilds.

Get rid of the negative scholars already!!!!!

I think that's all I have for now.

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Postby BenTheWicked » Tue May 31, 2016 10:38 am

Thanks for posting that information. I will add it to my list, and we will discuss it in our development meetings.
I'm happy to help! Chat with me on Kakao (Ben Davis) or send me an email ( If you have any technical issues, please go to

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Postby KingEvo » Tue May 31, 2016 7:31 pm

Thanks for hearing me out Ben

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Postby Ismagon » Fri Jun 03, 2016 2:56 pm

KingEvo, i played with you lol

My suggestion:

Since Kakao is the main chat and since everybody uses multiple accounts valors worlds have changed. This changes go that far that people even know which guilds jump in worlds before worlds even start. Thats not good.

In most worlds you can find guilds with more than 25 players, up to more than 150 (mostly alts but also real players).

This needs to be ended, because it destroys any fun. If you jump in a new world, recognized that there are at least two big guilds with each five sisterguilds as a non guilded or new player you just leave. You dont have a chance.

Its obvious you cannot stop kakao which first i felt is better than the old ingame chat and now i hate it. But what you can do is stop this guilds with up to 150 players.

Therefore my suggestion is to stop the ability to JOIN new guilds after you were part of one. That would not allow guilds with more than 25 people to send support between sister guilds. The possibilty to farm alts will still stay and spying will be risky.


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Re: My ideas to better valor

Postby KingEvo » Tue Aug 09, 2016 7:59 pm

I think the way you fix 150 people joining all together is removing the regular valor app. It gives you the ability to have for example two accounts on your phone and two on your iPad for a total Of 4 accounts. If that was fixed I think the amount of accounts joining a world would go down because less accounts would be joining.

I miss the big worlds maybe have them back at 20k where they open every couple of months. I dunno but then also the barb cappers with the negative scholars is out of control too.

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Re: My ideas to better valor

Postby BenTheWicked » Wed Aug 10, 2016 9:51 am

We have a couple ideas for limiting super guilds and encouraging new players to stick around. Some of these ideas include randomly assigned guilds, locked guilds to prevent jumping, limited guild alliances, and username and password changes.

All of these changes will be tested in beta worlds, and whatever is liked the most will make its way into the regular game.

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