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City Claims are a pain in the butt! How about this?

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:10 am
by GeneralZaphod
I said this before on another thread, but thought I would make a lone thread on it.

I get so sick of having to surf through 10k lines of chat on Kakao (hate Kakao, but that is a different story and hear something to help with that is in the works, looking forward to that), or tons of forum posts to find if a city is claimed or not. Then often just missing it and getting a nasty-gram "hey, I claimed that city, give it back!". It is both giant pain in the butt, and huge time sink. HATE it.

The solution is this (and shouldn't be that hard to implement): allow players to claim cities on the map. Just add "claim city" to the city menu, and it marks that city as claimed. If somebody in your guild, or in one of your allies guilds has already claimed it, then it would show up with an Icon on the map. If you then select a claimed city, it would have that person's ID there instead of "claim city". You can mail them to negotiate things if you want. Players would only be able to claim a limited number of cities, maybe 2? Taking that city frees that claim for you to claim another. You can then NOT attack a city that has already been claimed.

I feel this is a perfect solution to a very bothersome problem.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:21 am
by Orlor
This would get rid of a lot of guild forum posts dedicated to just claiming cities and leave more room for fun posts like who to attack next.

I will pass this idea over to our lead game designer.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:28 pm
by Hiitsmeeeeeee
Great idea but I have a few suggestions for it.

You should be allowed to "un-claim" a city so an ally can take it instead. Also your allies should be able to attack it to help you, but not with scholars so they still don't take the city. This would help players fight a war and have a player take the city with the help of his guild and allies. Also maybe your NAP should see it too. I've lost a lot of cities to NAP and I don't want to ruin my diplomacy with them.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:17 pm
by Tazi
There needs to be a time limit to ensure the claims are legitimate. And the guild leaders should be able to invalidate a claim.

Otherwise, this is a good concept.

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:47 pm
by awsomator
Time should be like 3 days.I don't think NAP's should see it though cause there not proper allies.