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New unit + bonus villages

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:06 pm
by LordOfhrVeil

These ideas might already been suggested, if not, then dibbs!
First idea: fourth infantry type unit: ARCHERS. They should effective against ... I dunno... Siege weapons?

Second idea: bonus type villages: there should be 2 types of barbarian villages: regular and
Bonus type. This last kind has a special trait. There can be different type of bonusses, so it makes it
More fun to take multiple. For example:
- 10% faster recruitment of barack units, or discount
- same but for stables
- same, but for workshop
- my personal favourite: 10% population bonus, meaning that if a city has a farm providing
Room for a population of 20.000, the city should be able to house 22.000

I also was tgoing to write a lumber type bonus villagge, where u have 10% increase in prodution, but then the boosters ( you have to pay for those) have to be raised to 30%.
same for clay and iron.

About the frequenty of apearance i suggest that when player has his map centered, he should have 1 ,perhaps 2 bonustype bb villages visible on the map, meaning within the range of the screen.

Whatya think?

Ps: a zoom function on the map would be nice. A second scope, that shows at least 1 quadrant ( region?) on screen.
This would allow to get a better view of the location of oneself, his guild and his allies.

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:19 pm
by LordOfhrVeil
Pps: i read the suggestion rules and i have checked my post, so that it would meet those standards. Im serious about the bonus type villages. I cannot be implemented in 1 night, i know that ( im a programmer too, so i understand the pain), but the concept should be interesting enough for debate

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:59 pm
by JGree
When you zoom out, there it should only show troop movement(if implemented) and your own cities. Showing too many late game will be too confusing.

Perhaps bookmarked cities while zoomed out are yellow/orange?

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:25 pm
by Fire820
Archers. Suggested already. Siege bonus. Already suggested. Bonuses. Not sure where I stand on that yet. Zoom. Suggested before.