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Monastry and monks

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 8:49 pm
by Dyllly
Alrighty well what I was thinking was what if there were a monastery and monks in valor like don't get me wrong monks being able to convert units from other towns on a successfull attack is like a bonus on top of the resource hauling etc. and have also upgrades in the monastery that upgrade like traveling time to destinations etc just an idea hope it is considered thanks

Yours sincerely


Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:05 pm
by Fire820
Hmm… interesting. I like it. Few questions though. Cost on both building and troop? Speed? Recruit time? Where/How would it be upgraded/originally discovered? Or does it come standard lvl3 with monastery? Stats? How many would need to survive for it to be effective? How effective would it be on say, 1000 troops? Does its effectivity differ from troop to troop? How is it countered? Max building level? Would the building level affect the monks at all? Can they work as less efficient medics too?

Sorry for so many questions. Just really curious because I'm rather interested.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 2:09 am
by Dyllly
Okay well first of all I'm really happy someone else likes my idea haha. So I've given it thought here's what I've got

city hall level 25
Forge level 15
Acadamy level 10
Is expensive to upgrade like forge and other buildings but like the acadamy it will be worth it so much.building time of each level will be long due to the effectiveness off the building also being a holy religious place it cannot be destroyed (still unsure bout this one).. The monks are expensive like the balistas but more expensive thinking 500 to 700 of each resource and take bout half hour for one unit to be created. I'm not sure bout what level the monks will come maybe level one and be upgraded where all the others are but more costly. I'm also thinking that you don't get a monk that converts straight away start it off small like a basic medic and as the monastery is upgraded there a more skills that the monk can learn and once the monastery has reached its full level which won't be to big say 10 or 15 that is when the monk can convert and still have all his other skills. Also the church can act like a farm and can upgrade the population or something

Hope this has answered lots of your questions if you still have questions don't be afraid to ask

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 5:36 pm
by Fire820
A few tweaks in my opinion

City hall: 30
Barracks: 20
Forge: 20
Academy: 1
Can be destroyed.
1k each resource.
An hour to recruit.
No upgrades. Effectiveness is based on number of monks. (Unsure about how feasible this is though.)
Level 1 building. No skills or pop. growth.

How are monks specifically countered? Are they counted infantry? Or do monks combat monks?

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 2:52 am
by Joshuasky
Monks combat monks. And i like this idea

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 3:56 am
by TheGhost
Alright monkey fights

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 12:59 pm
by Fire820
TheGhost wrote:Alright monkey fights


Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:21 pm
by Sharoman
Fire820 wrote:A few tweaks in my opinion

City hall: 30
Barracks: 20
Forge: 20
Academy: 1
Can be destroyed.
1k each resource.
An hour to recruit.
No upgrades. Effectiveness is based on number of monks. (Unsure about how feasible this is though.)
Level 1 building. No skills or pop. growth.

How are monks specifically countered? Are they counted infantry? Or do monks combat monks?

That option sounds better, however i would like to change one thing: you can either have an Academy or a Monastry in a single city.

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:35 am
by Dyllly
Wow guys thanks for all the support haha fire820 you have a great idea tweaking mine I like yours better

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:52 pm
by Nabimba
This is a cool idea. But monks should not be killed by anyone, even other monks. Perhaps monks can counter other monks against an attacker (prevent troop loss due to conversion attempt). Maybe this is the only unit that can die a natural death, like in a certain number of days. And maybe deceased monks can still defensively assist the city in which they are buried, just not actively convert on an attack or act as offensive medics. Also another thought: limit ratio of monks to scholars if both academies and monasteries are allowed in one city, kind of like faith vs. reason.