Super guilds

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Super guilds

Postby ASIANBOSS » Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:49 pm

I'm tired of super guilds emerging early in worlds or at all it ruins the fun you can't fight them at all they get the best players from all the top guilds and they're untouchable I'm in world80 and soveriegn has complete control and now they just farm everyone it's stupid makes me not want to play

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Postby ASIANBOSS » Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:51 pm

I would like this not to happen if that's possible

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Postby DeathViruzX » Mon Aug 27, 2012 4:49 am

Well it is not up to PM to decide. You have to fight for your survival in this game, complaining about huge alliances in a world will not make PM take action.

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Postby MechaStorm » Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:42 pm

you cant stop these kinds of things... its gonna happen one way or another

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Postby donut » Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:24 pm

Do what I do. Gather other guilds and form a resistance movement. You will not be strong enough to do a full scale rebel against them. But at least you will be united. Your movement could take 1 guild at a time. The more guilds you take the more power you will acquire. If you survive you might have enough power to bomb the strongest guild.

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Postby donut » Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:33 pm

Another strategy. You wipe them out in the beginning.

Usually super guilds take form in other worlds and when a new world comes out they all agree to join it. You can identify them because they usually have prefixes in their name. They start out in the new world by merging with as many guilds as possible. And when they have enough power, they start forcing guilds to join them or they get killed.

If you wipe them out in the beginning, they can't gather the momentum required to form a super guild.

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Postby MechaStorm » Fri Aug 31, 2012 7:42 pm

its not as easy as that... they will assign leaders for at leat 3 guilds in the beginning then they will super recruit. Its very hard to stop it in the beginning. What you do is race to get the academy. set up goals within your guild to encourage eveyone. Then when only a few people have academies in that world destroy the enemy...thats what i do at least and it works fine for me

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