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Fortune Upgrade

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 7:44 am
by Ameerah
I know it has been discussed a lot about increasing the 15 min scrolls, so heres an idea to achtually work it. When a player reaches 15k pts, he or she should be able to upgrade the fortune wheel to level 2.

It would Then look somewhat like the following.

Scrolls; 1 hour
Resourses - 500, 2000, 2500/3000.
Amulets - 2/3

Upgradetime:4 hours.

Hopefully youll get back at this suggestion.


Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 4:20 pm
by donut
Nobody would want to waste 4 hours upgrading their wheel of fortune. It virtually does nothing. Even 3000 resources is nothing. Winning any amount of resources is not exciting because when you get strong, resource production just flow steadily.

Also scrolls are only really useful when you start the world. When you start a world you want to get ahead of everyone. Though, after you played for a while, you aren't in a rush to build.

The only thing that would be appealing is if there was a really grand prize. How about winning scholarships or on rare occasions a scholar?

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 8:51 pm
by Ameerah
Were already Winning golds ingame. A reason wheel has not been touched. This is just a proposal , that fortune wheel is upgradable. An 1 hour scrolls would eventually buy you those 4 hours back. Wanna be more negative on ideas that achtually gives something for free to All players, go somewhere Else Tyvm

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:12 pm
by Jothemaster
donut wrote:Nobody would want to waste 4 hours upgrading their wheel of fortune. It virtually does nothing. Even 3000 resources is nothing. Winning any amount of resources is not exciting because when you get strong, resource production just flow steadily.

Also scrolls are only really useful when you start the world. When you start a world you want to get ahead of everyone. Though, after you played for a while, you aren't in a rush to build.

The only thing that would be appealing is if there was a really grand prize. How about winning scholarships or on rare occasions a scholar?

I like this idea and it is true that after a while even 2.5 hr speed ups aren't that helpful. I might also make it do you win like 500/1000/2000/3000 Berzerkers or 100/250/500/1000 guards. It would make the wheel more interesting and for those people that have like 125 amulets because of lack of needing to use them something worthwhile to spend them on. And the fortune would have 5 levels. Lv1, same as now, 2: 30:00 min research time and gets 2 scholarships, 100 guards, 500 Zerks, and resource prizes, 3, 45:00 min research, 1-3 scholarships, 500-1000 Zerks, 100-250 guards and only 500-2000 resource prizes. 4, 1:00 hr research time, 500-2000 Zerks, 1-5 scholarships, 100-500 guards, and only 2000 resources. And finally 5, 1:30 hr research, 500-3000 Zerks, 100-1000 guards, 3-7 scholarships, 1 scholar, and no resources. Tell me if you like this idea for troop handouts.

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:12 am
by donut
Jothemaster wrote:I like this idea and it is true that after a while even 2.5 hr speed ups aren't that helpful. I might also make it do you win like 500/1000/2000/3000 Berzerkers or 100/250/500/1000 guards. It would make the wheel more interesting and for those people that have like 125 amulets because of lack of needing to use them something worthwhile to spend them on. And the fortune would have 5 levels. Lv1, same as now, 2: 30:00 min research time and gets 2 scholarships, 100 guards, 500 Zerks, and resource prizes, 3, 45:00 min research, 1-3 scholarships, 500-1000 Zerks, 100-250 guards and only 500-2000 resource prizes. 4, 1:00 hr research time, 500-2000 Zerks, 1-5 scholarships, 100-500 guards, and only 2000 resources. And finally 5, 1:30 hr research, 500-3000 Zerks, 100-1000 guards, 3-7 scholarships, 1 scholar, and no resources. Tell me if you like this idea for troop handouts.

I like this idea. You know why? Because after you maxed out your troops you can still have more! This is very useful if you have a strike. Unless you got reinforcements, you will lose when attacking a city with maxed out defensive troops with a lvl 25 wall (unless of course you knock the wall down).

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:20 am
by Jothemaster
It also helps people who were smart and maxed out resources and warehouse really fast get troops once they hav their first scholar.

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:53 am
by Michael2
I like this idea of making the wheel of fortune upgradable. Giving worth while rewards to players as they progress in that world.
Although I don't like the idea of winning troops, scholars or anything else that will take up farm space. I think that giving a (large) bunch of troops to a city instantaneously would unbalance the game. players might not want the type of troops that the wheel of fortune offers in their cities and they might also be close to maxing their farm and be saving that space for something else.

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:03 pm
by donut
Michael2 wrote:I like this idea of making the wheel of fortune upgradable. Giving worth while rewards to players as they progress in that world.
Although I don't like the idea of winning troops, scholars or anything else that will take up farm space. I think that giving a (large) bunch of troops to a city instantaneously would unbalance the game. players might not want the type of troops that the wheel of fortune offers in their cities and they might also be close to maxing their farm and be saving that space for something else.

I said above that this would provide an advantage to cities that have maxed out troops. Meaning these won troops would not use any farm space.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:47 pm
by Ndubrunner004
I like several of the ideas thrown around above. The spins are virtually worthless to me in this stage of the game (though I do admit I still collect them everyday, I have tons just sittin around not being used)
I think something should be done about the spin. Troops packages, rare scholarships, better resources, maybe even small gold packages

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:07 pm
by Crypto
Rather then having to upgrade your wheel why don't have it work off the amount of amulets you have? 1 amulet is normal wheel, 5 amulets is the same but with more resources and better speed ups, 10 more resources again and the main prize might be a scholarship, 20 same a 10 with a scholar then 50 amulets, 2.5 hour speed ups, 1 random resource having a 100 thousand pay off while the other resources have a 25 thousand plus a chance to win scholars eg.