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Plan multiple attacks

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 1:43 pm
by Toubacos

I got a suggestion regarding attacks. At the moment you can send out one attack at a time and not multiple at once.
What i my suggestion is, allow players to plan multiple attacks in one attack format and set a certain time on when the troops should go for march towards the player you're attacking.

For example, you want to attack 123,456 and 321,123 at 3 AM Valor Time but it is 23:00 VT and you can't come online at 3 AM to send the attacks.
Then it would be very helpful to have an option available that allows you to set the targets and the time on when your attack(s) should be send.

I hope it is not that confusing :P😁

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 2:01 pm
by LordFirefall
It's not confusing, but I can see where this could be abused. I would assume this is something that would be done server side, since you wouldn't be on at the time. I personally would schedule all my attacks that way to avoid lag.

Picture this - 35 clears and 5 scholars, all landing within a second of each other. All scholars landing at the same time, a second behind the clearing waves.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:10 pm
by Greyhigh
I think that is a good idea, but I also agree it could be abused and make the game too easy and frustrating at the same time. I love the "human element" of goofing up launches, and having to plan attacks around your sleep schedule. It makes the game more exciting and less "auto-mode" with everything done for you.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:43 pm
by Brendone
Dislike the idea of launching on a timer. What I would like is if I could tell my troops to march at any speed between 50-100% of regular speed (perhaps with added capacity if I ask them to march slowly. This would allow me to launch from multiple cities rapidly, at a time when I am online, with the tradeoff that my enemy will have more warning of my attack. It would also allow for fake attacks at the speed of scholars, etc, so it would be a huge element to add, but I think a cool one that is more balanced.

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 3:37 pm
by Gloryhound
I agree with OP, I do understand the opportunity for abuse but I have a family and hectic travel schedule and when it takes 6 hours to launch attacks it makes it tough to play competitively. Anything would be better, maybe a limited launch capability where you can launch one future attack for each one you launch manually, or two per 24 hours, or something, just to take some of the load off for those of us that aren't connected all the time...

Tough juju to be sitting in a meeting watching your watch and thinking "I'm going to miss my launch....dang".

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 4:33 pm
by Willia
On the matter of automatic launches. I don't like automated launches because that is one of the challenges in the game. Messing up and trying to compensate for it just makes things more interesting. I think that automatic launches would ruin the game because everything would be dead on times and there would never be an error. I also think that it would slow down the game more since the server would be managing all the attacks instead of people. Could be wrong but that is the way I see it.