Speed World Standard World

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Speed World Standard World

Postby AnarcNeedsHelp » Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:14 pm

I've become increasingly addicted to the quick style of play speed worlds offer. I only wish speed worlds had a larger number of players and a longer time they lasted. I would be really happy to see a standard 5k world open that played like a speed world. Level 30 resource buildings in a speed world make 140k resources per hour and it takes 1 second to build a berserker and 3 seconds to build a guardian. I think a standard world with those kinds of stats would be insanely fun to play. Obviously having it take 3 minutes to send a scholar to your neighbor wouldn't work (would be easier if notifications properly worked...) so tone down the troop speed a bit, and because buildings upgrade so quickly and troops build so quickly purchasing speed up items wouldn't be necessary. Anyone else think a standard world played near the pace of a speed world would be fun?

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Postby Sponge » Fri Mar 08, 2013 12:50 pm

Interesting idea. I've always thought it would be good to have slightly longer speed worlds that last a few days. I'm sure they'd appeal to people who only have time to play at the weekend.

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