A few thoughts

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A few thoughts

Postby Haxton » Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:09 pm

I've been playing Valor for quite awhile and had a few idea's to make the game a little more handy.

For guilds:

If the crowns&generals could keep track of when all their members log on. Basically giving crowns and generals the ability to see when their members last logged in.


IF the map could be perfected that would be awesome.

Like being able to zoom out would be awesome. Having a good map of the battlefield offers more possibilities and makes things more strategic. Any war, even those back in middle ages, kingdoms had maps plotted and could see their enemies bases. Obviously we can't see where their troops are but at least knowing where our enemies are would be nice. The way the map is now once you've moved around enough to see some of your enemies then you lose track of where you are. Without having every single coordinate memorized than you'd have to map everything out yourself and that can take a very very long time. I know...


If there was a more convenient method of building and keeping track of what's building as far as buildings and troops rather than having to cycle through one city at a time. Seriously at 100 cities it begins to get annoying.

Also if their was a way that we could select all cities and purchase scholarships rather than having to go one city at a time and drag the bar to 12 and purchase.

I just think the more help you provide the player the less likely anyone will want to leave the game. The fact that it takes over an hour or so sometimes just to keep up your kingdoms seriously makes it hard for a lot of people to play.

I am a game developer myself so I greatly enjoy making games more awesome. I love playing valor it's an awesome game and way better than a lot of other games that are built like it.

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Postby Dieformason » Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:20 pm

A pinch map is available in the new tbs worlds

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