Gold capped worlds

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Gold capped worlds

Postby Amarandith » Mon May 06, 2013 11:49 am

As discussed with jake !! I suggest that in future worlds there b a cap of gold spending in certain worlds !! At the moment it almost appears that those who can afford to buy a load of gold can buy victory and this requires no skill !! Both myself and quite a few (growing) believe that the skill aspect of the game is being eroded due to those certain few (thankfully) spending a large amount of real money gaining an unfair and non skill playing advantage !! In future worlds I suggest a cap b limited to bring back the skill portion of the game !! Stopping those people buying there way to victory !! Cheers amarandith

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Postby Kingaddis » Mon May 06, 2013 1:02 pm

I agree, another suggestion which has been suggested quite a few times is a buy in world, and no gold can be spent in them.
That would get alot of interest.
Started - Urban decay W14
Current - Ominous W504

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Postby TheGodParticle » Wed May 22, 2013 1:45 am

As a regular player, and one that uses GOLD, (there I said it - I'm not ashamed) I couldn't agree more.
I spend on average, I'd say, about 25 - 50 Dollars a world (I am ashamed to say that I have spent 100 once).

I'm happy to pay for such an amazing experience, each world.

Having said that - It does ruin the game - for me knowing that I have an unfair advantage, and more so for others knowing that they can never grow as fast or as strong as I can.

This is a very difficult topic, because Quark needs to make money. What I'm concerned about is the level of spending ATM, it is getting out of control and it is ruining the game for even players like me who are happy to pay a VERY PREMIUM price for a world. I'm getting killed by players who are happy to blow 200 on a world and that is where the problem comes in.
An 'a list' PS3 / xbox title costs around 50 - 60 dollars.
I can play that game over and over again and never have to spend anything more on it. EVER.
This is a GREAT mobile game (but it is not an 'a list ' title) and I have been waiting for a game like this for a very long time, and like I said I'm happy to pay to play, but lets be reasonable about it.

Make the game free to play, and also have a premium tier for those who want to actually enjoy the game on a regular basis. make each world standard enter for free, but pay your 40 dollar entrance fee; and you get the queue extender and the resource boosters FOR THE WHOLE WORLD. perhaps include 1 truce (which is used way too often and should perhaps be scrapped as it really ruins the whole experience) and 5 instant spies and perhaps one of each of the other admin style premium options. and that all you get - use them to your best advantage.

I feel that this would greatly increase the amount of people who pay to play and solve this inequality issue that this game has.

this is also pretty simple to implement.

problem solved quark - now fix it. because I'm not sure if I will pay to play again.

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