So I had a few ideas that would make guilds much more beneficial, easier to manage, and result in more items play mesh could sell potentially.
Guild Reports:
Whenever someone in your guild scouts another city it automatically, or optionally, post to a sun category in the GUILD menu. This would be very beneficial during wars, or conquests to conquer cities.
Guild Bonuses:
This would be a category of items that could be sold, and gained through the daily amulet. It could follow the same pattern as your other items already due, except apply to the entire guild.
Guild Announcement:
I personally feel that the current guild announcements are not very effective, especially when you have newer players in your guild. I think a popup message when you get on the world would be much more effective.
Guild Hall:
This would effectively be a new city for your guild. Your guild would be able to send resources to it to gain rewards, such as increased loyalty regeneration, resource boost, increased morale. It could have buildings in it such as:
City Counsel: increased loyalty
Guild Hall: increased morale
Workers Union: increased resource production
Just some thoughts, obviously the guild halls would require tons of resources due to the role they could play
Guild Ideas
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