Balance suggestions

Post here any ideas or suggestions you have for improving Valor.
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Postby Barbaros » Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:20 am

Taking chaos out completely would be nice and incoming attacks should have a delayed warning system. Because how do they know a attack is coming from 48 hours away. Perhaps make incoming attacks show up when attacks are closer. 12-24 hours away or make it based on scouts.

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Postby Joker79 » Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:01 pm

I think the number of incoming and outgoing should be relative to the size of the city. A tiny city can't have the same number of commanders as a larger one. This would better reflect real war.

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Postby Barbaros » Mon Apr 02, 2012 9:05 am

Jokerman79 wrote:I think the number of incoming and outgoing should be relative to the size of the city. A tiny city can't have the same number of commanders as a larger one. This would better reflect real war.

It would give reason for players to max their cities in points. Rather then not building a lot of building and focus on troops.

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Don't remove chaos!

Postby Ravean » Tue Apr 03, 2012 2:45 am

Hi all!
I see the balance suggestions made are mainly concentrated on getting rid of CHAOS abuse.
I agree that abusing chaos is so annoying and makes hard to conqueror the city but I don't agree at the minimizing or removing chaos, and the effect it does. Just look at it from other point.
1) This is long running game. Just imagine you are playing in your world for a year. And during this period at least once you plan to go somewhere, will be very busy or so on, so wont be able to play about a week or two. When u come back u see that u are done. All your work, all what you achieved is lost. Will u continue playing a game if you know that in a year period u will be at least once or twice away for some periods, which will most probably cause u to loose ur cities and being out in your world? I know you can loose it even if your team is abusing chaos, but there is a more chance that if your guild makes smart and correct actions they will have more chances to protect u even against big guilds. Which give a chance for comeback and makes game more strategic and gives a opportunity for guilds with teamwork, well timing, strategic choices etc. CHAOS is a part of game, part of strategy.
2) For the smart players chaos is not so much problem. If one city is under chaos there is always other cities. Make them guess which city is your real target, send a lot of troops all around with only 1 lancer. Isn't it the real strategy? Most people like this game because of that kind of moments, because of mind games, teamplay, treators, spies, politics all around. The General is not the one who just chose the closest city and start attacking it like a crazy. Prove that u are the real general hide ur targets, make your opponent unaware, make sudden very well timed
attacks and so on.

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Postby Naita » Fri Apr 06, 2012 3:07 am

These suggestions are good..... However.... If chaos is removed, there needs to be an alternate way of defending a newly conquered city. I raised this before. Given that you can't send support till after you have conquered, it can be impossible to defend a city without chaos (they can just have an ally (sister guild) send 2 scholars at the city just before you conquer it, and bang it's gone back to them !).

Also..... Valor need to realize that the number of attacks will drop by 95% if they remove chaos ! Think of the server time that will be saved !

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