Meet Ahnselm Morrow

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Postby Destroyer75 » Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:24 am

What are the most important things to buy when starting a new city

Posts: 94
Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2011 4:25 am

Postby Joshuasky » Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:01 pm

Oh wise morrow! What buildings should be built up first in a new city?

Posts: 60
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Postby Lordpimp1 » Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:46 pm

Mighty morrow, I call upon your great wisdom! What is the most logical way of conquering, and how many brave souls should I use to accompany the scholar of my kingdom?

Posts: 155
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Location: World 4

Postby Duke24 » Sat Mar 31, 2012 1:24 pm

Where did you learn such eloquence?


Postby Morrow » Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:37 am

freakyPAT wrote:Morrow,

When selecting to join a world in valor, we have as choice four quadrants; NW, NE, SW and SE, or simply a random selection. What are the regions does each quadrants cover, and does it vary in each world or are they all the same?

There has been much speculation about the nature of Valor among the Cartographers' Guild. I confess that the art of mapmaking is not among my chief interests, largely because I concern myself with my present circumstances rather the state of other locations. A radical branch of cartographers maintain the world is a flat map, with a mysterious ether extending beyond the known universe. None of reached the edge and returned with a tale, so I'm somewhat suspect of the so called "flat realm" hypothesis.

Most maps of Valor make use of the "Point," which was agreed upon some time ago by many elderly folk in flowing robes. Rumor has it they had NUMEROUS degrees with MULTIPLE accomodations. The "Point" is the center of Valor, and the quadrants originate therefrom. Since Valor is currently mired in a desert era, the four quadrants are strikingly similar to one another in terms of climate, flora and fauna. There have been times when it was different. Better times. They were long ago, and we speak of them rarely.


Postby Morrow » Mon Apr 02, 2012 4:04 pm

Joshuasky wrote:Oh wise morrow! What buildings should be built up first in a new city?

Ah, well this gets to the heart of the matter, does it not? The decisions a lord makes impact not just the dinner on his plate, but the welfare of his entire people. I find it difficult to comment on the "right" path, because the mind of a lord is foreign to me. I see and understand their decisions, but they are not the decisions I would make were I so empowered. Of course, I have no desire to be in the ghastly business of ruling, and perhaps that is for the best.

I have always found it odd that a lord would build a great barracks, but allow his farm to languish in obscurity. More curious still is the ruler who elects to forge large armies without thought to the future resource needs of his kingdom. I often think the lust for power blinds men to the daily requirements of rule. It seems the most successful rulers are among the most patient, for they see the evolution of men in months and years, not in the blinding flash of a sword.

Sir Cluckles seems to think there is a dramatic underinvestment in white corn, which is often in short supply. I'm not sure if corn is a superior foodstuff to wheat, but Sir Cluckles is prone to miscalculation where his stomach is concerned.

Posts: 94
Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2011 4:25 am

Postby Joshuasky » Tue Apr 03, 2012 1:06 am

Thank you. And give sir cluckles my greetings. One last quistion in your travrls have you ever met a knight by the name of Don Quixote?


Postby Morrow » Tue Apr 03, 2012 5:00 pm

Lordpimp1 wrote:Mighty morrow, I call upon your great wisdom! What is the most logical way of conquering, and how many brave souls should I use to accompany the scholar of my kingdom?

You know the question is excellent when brilliant minds devote entire academies to its research. The proper means and method of warfare are the primary subject of debate around every Lord's table, and with good reason. When you live by the sword, odds are you'll die by it at some point. Military scholars, the master tacticians of our day, have generally coalesced around the Doctrine of "Overwhelming Force." I have alternately heard it referred to as the "Beat Stick," the "Scholar's Crusade" and the "Red Wet One". I don't know what the last one means, and I don't wish to.

The Doctrine of Overwhelming Force posits that the most effective means of taking a city is to gather superior troop material and attack in a coordinated force. Often the inhabitants of a city will seek to avoid such a salvo, or alternately rely on allies to bring chaos to the proceedings, but the ultimate resolution is often the same. A determined aggressor with significant troop advantages will carry the day more often than not. On occasion, a craft tactician will make use of feints to draw the attention away from the true prey, but these are not always required.

A true Lord must have a mind for circumstance. Each city is a walnut, but cracking the walnut requires the proper leverage. Different strategies are applicable at different moment. It is not unheard of for one Lord to weaken another over time through extortion and threats. Demanding tributes and consistently raiding to keep the city in an inferior position. These actions are mere harbingers of the inevitable massive attack to come.

Be cautious, dear reader. If you play the Game of Lords, be sure you make no mistakes. Lest ye be cracked.

Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Apr 05, 2012 4:26 am

Postby UpRiSeR » Thu Apr 05, 2012 4:31 am

Kind Morrow, will you bless us with more pages of knowledge from your book?


Postby Morrow » Thu Apr 05, 2012 4:31 pm

Duke24 wrote:Where did you learn such eloquence?

Equal parts gift and effort. One cannot hope to gain mastery of words without both ability and exertion. My formative years were spent in study with the great minds of their era. They taught me to think of language as a craft, not simply a means of communication. A craft must be practiced, studied and used to shape humble lumps into pieces of art. My journals are the masterwork I leave to this land. They are my legacy and my gift, and I have spent my entire life preparing for it.

Well, almost my entire life. There was an experimental phase during a break from academy when I dabbled in composting, but realized quickly that the world had quite enough manure without me adding to it.

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