Boring after 1,000,000 points

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Boring after 1,000,000 points

Postby ramorocks » Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:21 pm

How many of you stick around in a world after you reach 1,000,000 points?
I find it boring after that point. And I've noticed that most top players drop out of worlds after reaching this points total. Why are people still playing world 1 or World 25 for that matter? I've racked up 3,000,000 points before and it's not fun at that point. Everyone is just busy taking cities from people that are dropping out. Not very exciting or war like.
We need a time limit in these worlds or maybe a natural disaster to destroy armies and cities after 3 months or randomly. I would like Playmesh to play Gods and destroy us every once and awhile. or have barbarian cities attack us. Or have Playmesh delete our guilds in the middle of a massive war.

Anyway, at what points total do you find worlds switching to boring?

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Joined: Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:44 pm

Postby PlayerOne » Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:56 pm

What if there was a way to win a world? The world would restart, or maybe the winners would get an achievement and the world would go on. Maybe would have to build a 'wonder', or several of them. This would involve massive battles, to build and keep your own wonders, and stop other guilds from building theirs.

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Joined: Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:46 am
Location: India

Postby Gwynbleidd » Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:11 pm

perhaps a bonus in terms of gold for "winning" or reaching a certain point total. or maybe the bonus could be, for every million points you get, when u choose ur next world, ur cuty start of that many thousand points. Example: if u get 2,000,000 points. when i select a new world, i have the option of using the bonus of boosting my pre assigned 1085 points by 2000 more points, therefore totaling 3085. and then i get to select which buildings to instantly level up so as to match said total. of course its a very shaky hypothesis.

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