Fix chaos exploit

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Fix chaos exploit

Postby Frostblood » Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:25 am

I know this is viewed as almost impossible to fix but seriously wven if you have remake the whole game it would be worth it. Everyone is using this exploit as a feature of the game. There are chaos chat room where people go to get chaos. It has become a normal way to put a truce on uour city but for free and without blocking support. I think any player using this do not deserve to keep their city. If you can't fix it, you should ban people who abuse it. But seriously just fix it. Only devs know how it would be possible so I wont suggest how to do it but if there really has to be a limited number of attack make it like 10 attack per player per target instead of 40 attack from anyone... No one should need more than 10 attack at once to take a city anyway.

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Postby FxEffekt » Fri Apr 06, 2012 2:19 pm

I hate the chaos also, even if i have to use it also otherwise you dont play with the same rules as everybody else in this game :( You can send out 25 commands from your rally point, and have 40 incoming. So if you just lower the attack out it wont help, people just use more cities to send from. And if you increase the incoming to more than 40 its taking more time to get the chaos, but people will still do it.
Ive read that in the beginning there wasnt any chaos in the game, but people used it anyway, one guild sended hundreds of fakeattacks to one city, so it could have like 2000 incoming, made the city slow and unplayable so it was easy target anyway, thats why they came up with the chaos i guess. Correct me if im wrong...


Postby Orlor » Fri Apr 06, 2012 5:19 pm

We are taking a hard look at chaos right now, as a whole. If anybody has any suggestions or feedback you would like to share regarding it please let us know!

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Postby Tooltip » Fri Apr 06, 2012 5:42 pm

Chaos Chaos - The logistics of maintaining chaos pays a heavy toll on a players commanders, causing chaos chaos and rendering the entire army bewildered and unable to attack.

The more a player uses chaos in a certain time period the longer it takes to recover.

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Postby TeerraM » Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:07 pm

Also having 4 cities all under chaos makes the game VERY laggy, keeping number of attacks per city lower should do just fine i think

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Postby Rats » Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:50 pm

I agree I suggest making it so u can attack and send support anyone in the game regardless of what guild they are in this would help the eliminate chaos because u could send support to land right after u take a city even when u don't even have the city yet in other words u could have support land sec after your scholars land also to get rid of chaos u can just take off the 40 attack limit people might just send hundreds of attacks to make it laggy it would bexaost uneconomic to send hundreds of rams

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Postby Frostblood » Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:18 am

Ok thanks I god this genius idea flowed into my mind this morning when thinking about it: Make the rally point upgradable up to lvl 10, each level allowing to send one more attack. Also limit the amount of attack from a single player onto a single city to 15 and give the error msg " sorry you chaos freak lagging the game isnt allowed and you shouldn't need to send this many attack" or something similar ;D So if a player really needed to send 100 attack onto different city fine, he will need 10 city with rally point lvl 10 to do that. Make the price scale high enough with each lvl so that not everyone make a rally point lvl 10 very fast in each city... The last 3 lvl could be very expensive as they shouldn't ever be needed anyway. This will also add a fun strategy aspect to the game in deciding or not to target the rally point with ballista. For support I suggest that it could allow the routing of 2 army per rally point lvl.

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Postby Rats » Sat Apr 07, 2012 9:12 am

Not to totally put u down or anything This would take away from the strategy of the game I think most of us would like just 1 rally point lvl but anyway I like that message that would be hilarious :)

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Postby Rats » Sat Apr 07, 2012 9:13 am

Plus it ao hard to implement on the game I mean this suggestion won't go unnoticed and if they do use it they would have to change the entire game around :(

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Postby Xspeedx » Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:44 pm

If we have to deal with chaos make it so it is really chaos
Lock down the city, no more troop production or buildings, can't receive or send support attack or merchant and maybe even put down ressource production to 0 or at least reduce it
And not only for the village receiving chaos but ALSO villages that are SENDING chaos
That way players will think twice before using it to defend there town and won't find other player willing to put them in chaos that easily
Even the players that use it as an attack strategy will certainly use it less often

I would add loyalty droping slowly every hour at half the rate it goes up in that specific world but that may be too much... ( i really hate that chaos thing!! ;)

I hope it will give you some inspiration on a way to solve that big problem of that somewhat pretty nice game!
Thanks for reading my sugestion

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