Suggestion Animation

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Suggestion Animation

Postby MasterCarro » Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:43 pm

Maybe have people walk about in the towns... The bigger your city the more people walk around... Seems like a cool idea...

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Postby Snowman9 » Wed Apr 11, 2012 7:18 pm

Clouds and shadows, guards on the wall (amount dependant on wall level), weather effects and seasons should be implemented as well. This kind of polish would separate this app from others. Also ambient sound fx would be nice too. Water running by a creek, birds chirping, just to name a few.

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Postby MasterCarro » Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:32 pm

And also they should make a new variety of music... Not just the same song over and over again

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Postby Vasasalo » Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:59 am

All that would be cool but at what cost? It would make the game sluggish for those of you that use that view. Alot dont even use that view. As for troops movements it might be cool to see your army on the move between your city and it's target. Although that to would be pointless since there is a timer.

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Postby Snowman9 » Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:47 am

I disagree, I think PlayMesh could find a way to make animations flow nicely. It's not like they're using the Unreal Engine to make this game. I'm not asking for Infinity Blade level graphics. They already have some animations that move at an acceptable frame rate. I have an A5 processor, so I think my device could handle it. At least make it available for Valor HD.

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Postby Smupid » Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:26 am

Yah I'll agree to that they could use it for valor HD since there is obiusly no real major improvement in HD than non HD
as far as the graphics slowing the game Im neutral.

I can watch HD movies on my phone so I'm sure I can handle valors graphics
And if I feel like using my iPod one day I won't mind slow because
Valor is a patient kinda game

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